bryant-github-universe-2021 / GitHubUniverse2021-NA

GitHub Universe 2021 - NA
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Hi there, this is Mona the Octocat :octocat: 🐙 🐱

"Welcome to GitHub Actions planet" 👋


In here, you will navigate across the GitHub Actions planet to discover challenging yet interesting GitHub Actions mission in 7 different continents, where each continent is represented by a GitHub Issue.

We will jump through the hoops 🏃 and all the challenges ahead of us ⛰️ 🔥, but it will be fun! 🎮


🍿 Our navigation route

  1. GitHub Actions continent - Hello, GitHub Actions planet
  2. Project Management continent - We need to set a plan! Let's come up with a plan what do we need to survive in this planet with GitHub Project Board
  3. Group Actions continent - We want to assign a Project Board for each member
  4. IssueOps continent - Let's create a best practice repository with IssueOps
  5. Send Message continent - We will let everyone know that what we have done before cross the planet
  6. DevOps Infra continent - We will build an infrastructure with Terraform and also Azure Webap
  7. DevOps Apps continent - Deploy an application to Azure we
  8. Let's review what we had