brycesub / silvia-pi

A Raspberry Pi modification to the Rancilio Silvia Espresso Machine implementing PID temperature control.
MIT License
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No values webinterface #23

Open rwr88 opened 5 years ago

rwr88 commented 5 years ago


So, as you can see above, I finally managed to get the webapi going. I bought a new amplifier (, the MAX31855, because I've a PT100 sensor I thought it might has something to do with this.. This has the following outputs:

I've connected them in the following manner:

SSR is connected to:

Also we've measured on the amplifier the values of the PT100 in ohm. This is functioning properly.

So the question is: why aren't we receiving any values on the webapi? Is this because the amplifier isn't giving the signal to the RPI?

rwr88 commented 5 years ago



I've enclosed the electrical scheme i've drawed, based on the original scheme of Rancilio.

rwr88 commented 5 years ago

Images weren't visible, so i've enclosed them for a second time + some extra pictures of how wired it. img_20181230_143521 img_20181230_143559 img_20181230_143606 img_20181230_143614 img_20190101_165909

adamhratcliffe commented 5 years ago

In the check the sample rate. My sensor only works if the rate is 0.2 and above.


On Sun, 20 Jan 2019 at 11:43, rwr88 wrote:

[image: image]

So, as you can see above, I finally managed to get the webapi going. I bought a new amplifier (, the MAX31855, because I've a PT100 sensor I thought it might has something to do with this.. This has the following outputs:

  • GND
  • VIN
  • 3vs3
  • CLK
  • SDO
  • SDI
  • RDY
  • CS

I've connected them in the following manner:

SSR is connected to:

  • SSR + (red wire) to RPI physical pin #37
  • SSR - (white) to RPI physical pin #39

Also we've measured on the amplifier the values of the PT100 in ohm. This is functioning properly.

So the question is: why aren't we receiving any values on the webapi? Is this because the amplifier isn't giving the signal to the RPI?

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rwr88 commented 5 years ago

Hi Adam, Can you explain how i can check that?

adamhratcliffe commented 5 years ago

Once you have SSH’ed into your pi use the following command sudo nano /root/silvia-pi/ Thanks,


On 20 Jan 2019, at 11:49, rwr88 wrote:

Images weren't visible, so i've enclosed them for a second time + some extra pictures of how wired it. — You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread

rwr88 commented 5 years ago

Adam, Thanks so much for your help. I feel like a complete noob: but how can I save the change?

adamhratcliffe commented 5 years ago


You press control and W



On 20 Jan 2019, at 12:26, rwr88 wrote:

Adam, Thanks so much for your help. I feel like a complete noob: but how can I save the change?

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rwr88 commented 5 years ago

So, i've tried a bunch of stuff.. but when I exit and do another SSH session, the config is still 0.1..

adamhratcliffe commented 5 years ago

Right so it definitely isn’t saving.

At the bottom the the nano window it should say which buttons to Press to save. It should give you a prompt as you exit to save or not.

On Sun, 20 Jan 2019 at 12:41, rwr88 wrote:

So, i've tried a bunch of stuff.. but when I exit and do another SSH session, the config is still 0.1..

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rwr88 commented 5 years ago

image image First screen is the home screen, second is when I press CTRL+W. There is an option that's called 'Opslaan' (Save), but that only says ^O... when I enter this, nothing happens

rwr88 commented 5 years ago

Also, the webinterface doesn't work from time to time.. It should be accesible all of the time right?


And the problem no is: the heating element is triggered, but it is never shut off. So it just keeps on heating, even if the desired temp is reached.

rwr88 commented 5 years ago

Adam, (or Bryce) Do you know how I can make adjustments to the config? Or better: how I can save those changes?

adamhratcliffe commented 5 years ago


The heating element issue may be down to the config pin you have selected for the heating element. In the file change the he pin to 37 (I will check when home) and change the heating element refresh rate to 0.2 I really don't know why it wouldn't be saving. Have you tried using an alternative text editor or if possible editing the files directly on the PI or are you running headless?

On Tue, 22 Jan 2019 at 11:53, rwr88 wrote:

Adam, (or Bryce) Do you know how I can make adjustments to the config? Or better: how I can save those changes?

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rwr88 commented 5 years ago

Ah, changing it to 37 might do the trick. So, am I running headless.. can you perhaps show me how it looks like if you're changing something I'm the config?

adamhratcliffe commented 5 years ago

I can do but you'll have to wait for a few hours until I am home. Have you managed to find a way to save it control and x doesnt work?

On Tue, 22 Jan 2019 at 15:36, rwr88 wrote:

Ah, changing it to 37 might do the trick. So, am I running headless.. can you perhaps show me how it looks like if you're changing something I'm the config?

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rwr88 commented 5 years ago

Yeah, you're was ctrl x.. now I've saved both changes

adamhratcliffe commented 5 years ago

Excellent, any luck with it working now?

On Tue, 22 Jan 2019 at 16:12, rwr88 wrote:

Yeah, you're was ctrl x.. now I've saved both changes

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rwr88 commented 5 years ago

No, it did switch off.. but not on the right temperature. And so I did a check: I lowered the goal temperature to even 100F... But it didn't switch at the that temperature... So perhaps the switch was triggered by the overheat safety. So I thought perhaps the pi should reboot, so I unplugged it and did a restart.. but that blew it completely. I can't even connect to it headless right now...

rwr88 commented 5 years ago

So, did the whole install again.


Once again: it switched off, but not with the right temperature. When I fill in, in Putty, /cd/root/silvia-pi ./ The values that are returned are: tempf: 32.... The webinterface also shows this..

What you said earlier about the config: Bryce said the following regarding this: "he_pin = 26 in the refers to the BCM pin # used to turn on/off the relay. In my setup I use BCM pin 26 which corresponds to physical pin 37. The ground for my relay is physical pin 39"

I've wired the SSR+ to 37, SSR- to 39. 37 is equivalent to BCM pin 26... so that should be correct I've also GND (red wire) to physical pin 20 (GND). There shouldn't be a difference between which ground you use, right?

When I had the problem earlier, when the temperature stated 32F... Bryce said the following: ""avgtemp=32" i.e. 0C Looks like your thermocouple isn't connected correctly or the thermocouple breakout board isn't connected to the pi properly."

But I just don't know where the fault lies..

rwr88 commented 5 years ago

@adamhratcliffe or @brycesub don't you guys have any clue what the problem is here? Could it be that the soldering of the amplifier of rpi is incorrect?

Or have I bought the wrong amplifier? Does it only works with the bryce mentioned in the hardware section? Or have wired it wrong? See the pictures below..

img_20190203_150043 img_20190203_150100 img_20190203_150154 img_20190203_150208 img_20190203_150656

obiben commented 5 years ago

Hey @rwr88, don't know if you ever found your solution. I've had problems with the pi 0 and max 31865 I've been using this class to read temps off the board: It'll do all the bitbanging you need to do on any pins without using a SPI interface

The full story:

I'll be receiving a MAX31856 any day now, since the 31865 has gone kaput and is intermittently oscillating between -256C and 900C. Will update my code shortly.

rwr88 commented 5 years ago

Hi @obiben i didn't found any solution. i even tried switching to the MAX31855, because i thought this might won't work with the PT100 1/3 din i've bought.

So, i would like to try again with the 31865 and the class your using to read temps. But how do achieve this?

Is it just to replace the following:

sudo git clone /root/silvia-pi sudo /root/silvia-pi/


sudo git clone /root/silvia-pi sudo /root/silvia-pi/

Because i'm not using a touchscreen display..

obiben commented 5 years ago

Well you can start by just trying out the class on its own. See if it prints temperatures for you.

You can get it from the link above and change the pins to your pins numbers in this section:

if __name__ == "__main__":
        csPin = 5
        misoPin = 19
        mosiPin = 20
        clkPin = 21
        max = max31865(csPin,misoPin,mosiPin,clkPin)
        while True:
            tempC = max.readTemp()
    except KeyboardInterrupt:

run the script using sudo python If it prints values you can tell your sensor and breakout board work.

rwr88 commented 5 years ago

Sorry, i'm not a developer of anykind, so I need a bit more info than this.

So, I need to: 1) Install Raspbian 2) Make sure I can SSH to it 3) Connect the MAX3186 as previously to the RPI 4) Fork to my own 5) Change the pins to my own pin numbers, i.e.:"

VCC (green wire) to RPI physical pin #17 GND (red wire) to RPI physical pin #25 SO (yellow wire) to RPI physical pin #21 SCK (blue wire) to RPI physical pin #23 CS (black wire) to RPI physical pin #24

6) run the script using sudo python ?? I don't think this is correct, so I probably don't understand.

Thank you very much for helping me. Really appreciating it!

rwr88 commented 4 years ago

Hi @obiben, could you please help me? See above for the questions

Thanks in advance!

obiben commented 4 years ago

Your 6 steps were correct. If you want things to be simpler you could just set yourself up directly on your raspberry pi with a screen, keyboard and mouse until you're ready to put everything in a coffee machine.

Running the script in the command line is what I was telling you to do indeed. In a terminal, in the same folder as the file, if you type in sudo python You will execute that script. The script contains two parts: the class that I use in my own version, and the main part that is executed when you run the script on its own. Executing this script on its own will simply setup a max31865 object, read its temperature every 0.1 second and print it to the command line until you stop it (ctrl+c).

This wont make your coffee machine work but is a first step in verifying your sensor works, then you can see if you have to change that or if there's a problem somewhere else.

rwr88 commented 4 years ago


hi @obiben So i did the following: 1) install rasbian 2) make sure ssh was on 3) connect max31865 to rpi 4) install necessary things:

sudo apt-get -y update sudo apt-get -y upgrade sudo apt-get -y install rpi-update git build-essential python-dev python-smbus python-pip sudo rpi-update sudo bash -c 'echo "dtparam=spi=on" >> /boot/config.txt' sudo reboot

5) fork the obiben project 6) Make adjustments to:

CsPin = 24 miso =21 mosi = 17 ? clk = 23

Like Brycesub, I don't use SDI so I was a bit confused which pin I should use as MOSI. The Max31865 has the following pins: VIN GND 3vo SCK SDO SDI CS RDY

The ones in bold I use.

7) sudo git clone /root/silvia-pi sudo /root/silvia-pi/

After this, I received the following error: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement Adafruit-GPIO==1.0.3 (from -r /root/silvia-p i/requirements.txt (line 1)) (from versions: ) No matching distribution found for Adafruit-GPIO==1.0.3 (from -r /root/silvia-pi/requirements.txt (lin e 1))

The thing I find odd is, that - if i understand this correctly - it should install the stuff in the folder 'silvia-pi'. But when i'm in the root folder, and do the 'ls' statement, i don't see this folder..

Do you know where it's gone wrong? Thanks for helping out

obiben commented 4 years ago

You're trying to install my fork of this repo which is wildly different from the one here. All I advised you to do was to run the one python script to verify your sensor works.

The error you are getting is from the install script. The specific command it fails at is the pip install -r requirements.txt where it installs python packages into your python folders. I think the adafruit library needs to be installed via github, and is just in my requirements file because I didn't maintain the installation script, as per the *** Outdated *** notice in my readme.

A google search of this error would serve you well. In fact if you want to do this to your coffee machine it's my opinion you need to be willing to google your ass off any time there is a problem.

As for the pins, I don't know what to tell you. I'm not a master of this breakout or the code that makes it chooch. My advice is exactly the same as last time: run the script. It should work on its own without trying to install everything from my repo. You need python, the RPi.GPIO python package and the single .py file. Try pins out. Your decision not to use a pin arbitrarily strikes me as odd. Try it and if it works, that's wonderful, if it doesn't, maybe try with the pin connected. As far as I can tell SDI=MOSI and SDO=MISO, but I could be wrong. Try things.

Again, be prepared to google the errors you get and fix them on your own. No one knows these things before they learn them ;) There could be a hundred more things to do to make this work and I wont be holding your hand all the way, just wanted to give you the one tip! Good luck!