brycesub / silvia-pi

A Raspberry Pi modification to the Rancilio Silvia Espresso Machine implementing PID temperature control.
MIT License
141 stars 42 forks source link
espresso pid-controller raspberry-pi


A Raspberry Pi modification to the Rancilio Silvia Espresso Machine implementing PID temperature control.

Currently Implemented Features:

Planned Features:



Hardware Installation

Installation Instructions / Pictures

Circuit Diagram

High-level circuit diagram:

Circuit Diagram


Install Raspbian and configure Wi-Fi and timezone.

silvia-pi Software Installation Instructions

Execute on the pi bash shell:

sudo apt-get -y update
sudo apt-get -y upgrade
sudo apt-get -y install rpi-update git build-essential python-dev python-smbus python-pip
sudo rpi-update
sudo bash -c 'echo "dtparam=spi=on" >> /boot/config.txt'
sudo reboot

After the reboot:

sudo git clone /root/silvia-pi
sudo /root/silvia-pi/

This last step will download the necessariy python libraries and install the silvia-pi software in /root/silvia-pi

It also creates an entry in /etc/rc.local to start the software on every boot.

API Documentation

GET /allstats

Returns JSON of all the following statistics:

GET /curtemp

Returns string of the current temperature in °F

GET /settemp

Returns string of the current set (goal) temperature in °F

POST /settemp

Expects one input 'settemp' with a value between 200-260.
Sets the set (goal) temperature in °F Returns the set temp back or a 400 error if unsuccessful.

GET /snooze

Returns string of the current or last snooze time formatted "HH:MM" (24 hour).
e.g. 13:00 if snoozing until 1:00 PM local time.

POST /snooze

Expects one input 'snooze', a string in the format "HH:MM" (24 hour).
This enables the snooze function, the machine will sleep until the time specified.
Returns the snooze time set or 400 if passed an invalid input.

POST /resetsnooze

Disables/cancels the current snooze functionality.
Returns true always.

GET /restart

Issues a reboot command to the Raspberry Pi.

GET /healthcheck

A simple healthcheck to see if the webserver thread is repsonding.
Returns string 'OK'.