bseib / support-needed-please

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Window Sonos app fails to play streams from YoutubeMusic or AmazonMusic #1

Open bseib opened 1 year ago

bseib commented 1 year ago

It will play a stream, but frequently stops mid stream with an error that says:

Unable to play 'XXXXX' - the song is not encoded correctly.

It will skip tracks when it has these errors, and eventually it will just stop play altogether. You cannot reliably play a stream from either YoutubeMusic or AmazonMusic service and expect to hear music playing for very long.

How to Reproduce

The issue is easy to reproduce by simply streaming any audio from YouTubeMusic, and then moving the scrubber forwardm then backward in time. The the track will fail to play after you do this. Once it fails you will never be able to play that track. You'll need to restart the app to give it another shot at playing that track again. The choice of artist and song below are arbitrary -- it fails the same with anything I've tried.


Here's a step by step to reproduce the issue. I performed these exact steps and then submitted diagnostics to Sonos with a confirmation number of 289350428.




It adds the song to the queue (along with two other songs, which also seems wrong, but maybe that's an issue with the streaming provider...)






From this state, you will no be able to play that track no matter what you do, until you restart the app.

You assigned me Sonos case number 04616374

bseib commented 1 year ago

A recap of a recent portion of support emails:

Mon, Jan 16, 2023 at 11:06 PM

Hello Broc,

Thanks for replying to my email,

Hope you are doing great today!

The diagnostics you sent me show me that you are trying to reproduce a video, are you trying to see a video?

Have a wonderful and safe day.


Natalia A Sonos | Customer Experience - Level 2 | Contact Us Ask questions, find answers, and share your thoughts on the Sonos Community.

Your case number is: 04616374 ref:_00D1N2JMtd._5008V1WXlr3:ref

Tue, Jan 17, 2023 at 10:43 AM

No, I wasn't trying to play a video. All I did was search for music with YouTubeMusic as a source, and then played it.

I suppose it is possible that YTM is streaming their audio using a video format? Not sure about that, but I suppose it is possible. Either way, it would seem that Sonos would want to support whatever formats YTM can stream. Surely the YouTubeMusic API docs will spell this out.

Thank you for your help and attention to this. Broc

Tue, Jan 17, 2023 at 11:00 AM

I just reproduced the problem again and sent you a new set of diagnostics. The diagnostic number is 289350428.

You can reproduce the issue reliably. Here is what I did step by step:

  • In the search box, choose YouTube Music:


  • search for "sting"
  • click the arrow for the artist "Sting":


  • scroll down the list of results until you reach the single "Fragile", and use the dropdown menu to "Play Now":


It adds the song to the queue (along with two other songs, which seems wrong...)


  • Now click the "Play" button:


  • the song begins to play
  • then drag the scrubber forward in time, to around the one minute mark or so:


  • the song continues to play from that point

  • now drag the scrubber backward, to around the 0:30 second mark:


  • play will be interrupted, and eventually you'll get the "song is not encoded correctly" error:


Wed, Jan 18, 2023 at 10:14 PM

Hello Broc,

Thanks for replying to my email,

Hope you are doing great today!

Let's try to reauthorize the Youtube Music app on Sonos. From the Sonos app on the phone, you can tap Settings> Services and Voice> YouTube Music> Reauthorize account. It will refresh the connection between Sonos and YouTube Music. After that, you can try to play music again.

Please feel free to reach me back in case you have additional questions and I'll be more than happy to assist you!

Have a wonderful and safe day.


Natalia A Sonos | Customer Experience - Level 2 | Contact Us Ask questions, find answers, and share your thoughts on the Sonos Community.

Your case number is: 04616374 ref:_00D1N2JMtd._5008V1WXlr3:ref

Thu, Jan 19, 2023 at 10:59 AM

Hi Natalia, I have reauthorized the YouTube Music service as you suggested. However the problem persists.

To test it, I simply used the steps I outlined before to reproduce the issue. I have documented those steps along with the screenshots to reproduce the issue here: .

Can you please share that link with your engineering team so that we know we are all using the same steps to reproduce the issue?

Thank you for your help. Broc

Thu, Jan 26, 2023 at 9:13 AM

Hi Natalia, just checking in -- Are there any updates or response from engineering for my submitted bug reports?

Fri, Feb 3, 2023 at 7:56 PM

Hello Broc,

I hope you are doing great today!

Thank you for your time and patience during this process,

what is the plan you have with YouTube Music? What subscription type do you have?

Let's try to remove YouTube from Sonos and then add it back from Settings> Services and Voice> YouTube Music> Remove account. Then from Services and Vooice> Add a Service> YouTube Music. Once added again, let's test it again, and let me know how it goes, please.

Have a wonderful and safe day.


Natalia A Sonos | Customer Experience - Level 2 | Contact Us Ask questions, find answers, and share your thoughts on the Sonos Community.

Your case number is: 04616374 ref:_00D1N2JMtd._5008V1WXlr3:ref

bseib commented 1 year ago

Had support phone call and the diagnostics file I sent showed "underflow" errors, which imply that the bytes just weren't showing up. We talked through my network setup to our fiber line, which seemed more than sufficient to support streaming music. I could not reproduce the issue in this moment.

The suggestion was to keep the ticket open for a while, and if I see this again, immediately run a speed test or anything to capture evidence of slow network. And capture and send a diagnostic to Sonos on the spot.

bseib commented 1 year ago

One last bit of exchange with that support call:

Hello Broc,

As per our call, just reply to this email to let me know if you run into any issues and provide the diagnostic at the time it fails. I forgot to ask this, but if the failure happens, can you also test on one of the other rooms to see if it happens there as well? It would help us to narrow down on if it's isolated to the downstairs unit or not.

Thank you, Brandon G Sonos Escalations Team

Will do, thank you Brandon.