bseib / support-needed-please

Sometimes I just want to send a github issue link to get support from somewhere that doesn't use github.
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Sometimes I just want to send a github issue link to get support from somewhere that doesn't use github.

Have you ever submitted feedback to a website, or contacted someone about a bug, or any issue with an app, and you have detailed information that you know would be useful to a developer person, BUT the channel of communication available is nothing more than an html <textarea>? And the canned response you get from the frontline response team is so far removed from the people who could actually do something about the issue, that you have no confidence that the info you've provided is actually captured where it can be seen? And even if you're lucky enough to submit screenshots (via email?) then do the frontline folks copy/paste those images into whatever system they are using internally? Not likely.

Well, this might be fruitless, but at least I can just send a link, and maybe that single link will find its way to a developer/engineer that can actually help. The downside of course is that this will be a public repo. Oh well. If I need to do this again, I'll probably just pile all of them into this same repo, regardless of which company I'm corresponding with.
