bshaffer / faceswap-docker

Dockerization for the faceswap library `matthewearl/faceswap`
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FaceSwap for Docker

This library contains a Dockerfile for running matthewearl/faceswap in a Docker container.

How to Use

Pull the image from Dockerhub:

docker pull bshaffer/faceswap

Place the images you want to use in a directory docker can mount

mkdir /tmp/faceswap
cp image1.jpg /tmp/faceswap
cp image2.jpg /tmp/faceswap

Run the image and mount the directory you created above:

docker run -v /tmp/faceswap:/tmp/faceswap bshaffer/faceswap \
    /tmp/faceswap/image1.jpg \
    /tmp/faceswap/image2.jpg \

The faceswapped image will now be in the mounted directory /tmp/faceswap with the name output.jpg.