bsideup / groovy-macro-methods-proposal

Apache Groovy proposal of macro methods implementation
Apache License 2.0
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Macro methods proposal for Apache Groovy


This proposal is aimed to integrate into the groovy-core.


Groovy has very powerful compile time meta programming system. Right now it represented in two ways - global AST transformations and local AST transformations.

While local transformations are very useful, they are (obviously) limited to the scope where they are applied. It covers most of the cases, but sometimes the scope is global, so we have to use global AST transformations. Some examples of them:

During my work on MacroGroovy I discovered the pattern which can be reused - replace method call with AST it produces as a global AST transformation. It's called "Syntactic macros", and it's a common thing for the languages like Lisp, Scala, Rust, Haxe and others. Consider the following:

@Macro // <-- macro method aka magic!
static Expression warn(MacroContext ctx, Expression exp, Expression msg) {
    // compile time property check!
    if ("development" !== System.getProperty("ENV")) {
        return new EmptyExpression()

    String src = toCodeSource(ctx);
    return macro {
        !$v{exp} && println($v{src} + ": " + $v{msg})

And the usage:

int age = 10;

warn(age >= 18, "User is under 18");

It will print (in runtime) a message only if ENV system property was equal to "development" during the compilation. Not the runtime, but compilation time. So, if you compile with "-DENV=development", the code will be transformed to:

int age = 10;

!(age > 18) && println("myFile.groovy:3" + ": " + "User is under 18")

But the same code compiled without ENV=development it will be equal to:

int age = 10;

As you can see, macro methods are being executed at compile time and they must return an AST expression, so compiler will replace such call with it.

Another nice thing that you can get the information about the place where macro code was injected by accessing MacroContext (again, at compile time!). In this example we use toCodeSource(context) to get the position in source code where warning was called.

Good parts so far:

Usage for library developers

Macro methods are useful if you develop a library as well. For instance, imagine you're writing ORM library, let's call it "GroORM" :)

We want to provide a method to perform compile-time, type safe queries:

def targetAudience = User.sqlQuery {
    select(id, name as username) where age > 18 && age < 25 orderBy age

This can be implemented with Macro method:

static Expression warn(MacroContext ctx, ClosureExpression block) {
    def modelClassExp =;

    return convertASTToSQLQuery(block);

And, after compilation, it will look something like this:

def targetAudience = GroORM.executeSQL(User, '''
    id, name as username
    age > 18 and age < 25

It can also check that User class has id, name, password and age fields at compile time.

Even more - it can check that age is number type, for instance.

The result's type will be List because GroORM can parse SQL expression at compile time and make some assumptions about the result.

To sum up:

Current status

Currently proposal is implemented as a 3rd party library:

This is a global AST transformation and all macro methods share the same transformation (vs "Global transformation per use case")

For each static method marked with @Macro annotation it will create an internal Groovy Extension Method with the same name and signature:

(MacroContext, ...argExpressions)

So, if we have

static Expression mySuperMethod(MacroContext ctx, ConstantExpression constExp)

we will get:

mySuperMethod("Hello") // match
mySuperMethod(123) // match

mySuperMethod(123, "Hello") // no match, too many arguments
mySuperMethod(prefix + " World!") // no match, argument is CallExpression
mySuperMethod {} // no match, argument is ClosureExpression
mySuperMethod() // no match, arguments are empty

Try it yourself

You can try Macro methods right now with the latest Groovy release. They are implemented as a library for now.

For instance, here is an example of Pattern Matching for Groovy implemented with Macro methods:

It depends on groovy-macro-methods available in JCenter:

dependencies {
    compile 'ru.trylogic.groovy.macro:groovy-macro-methods:0.2.0'

It implements macro method match:

So you can write Groovy code with compile-time pattern matching:

def fact(num) {
    return match(num) {
        when String then fact(num.toInteger())
        when 0 or 1 then 1
        when 2 then 2
        orElse it * fact(it - 1)

assert fact("5") == 120

(For more examples check the tests:

Open questions