bsoetaer / CMPUT391Project

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Uploading Module #4

Open bsoetaer opened 9 years ago

bsoetaer commented 9 years ago

This module will be used by radiologists to first enter a radiology record, and then to upload medical images into the radiology record. In reality, all radiology images are atomically uploaded from various radiology diagnostic equipments to the database. In this project, however, you are asked to implement this module to upload an image stored in the user's local file system to the database. A sample uploading program can be found at Samples with source code.

vzphung commented 9 years ago

@bsoetaer @Tyler-Meen Just a FYI I will be working on this module

vzphung commented 9 years ago

Most of the basic stuff is there.. we can make it better though, like putting the record id into the url parameters , so the user does not have to specify the record id etc (also it just displays error if record id is not valid).

vzphung commented 9 years ago

I didnt do the actual making of the records yet

bsoetaer commented 9 years ago

What do you mean by the actual making of the records?

vzphung commented 9 years ago

Oh i didnt know that the uploading modules included making radiology records

vzphung commented 9 years ago

Oh and the all functionality for uploading module( with radiology record making) should be good