bsoetaer / CMPUT391Project

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Group 10 Members: Braeden Soetaert, Tyler Meen, Vincent Phung

This is a Radiology Information System web based database application that was developed for the CMPUT 391 class at the University of Alberta. It is a three tier system that allows users to view, modify, and create medical records (which include medical images) through a web interface.

The client tier runs in a web browser and is written using html, jsp, and java servlets. The server tier runs on a tomcat web server and interprets the jsp files and serves up the servlets needed. The database tier runs on an oracle database server and stores the information relevant to the system.

Each of the six modules is located in its own folder: Login -> login, User Managaement -> user-management, Report Generating -> generate_reports, Upload -> upload, Search -> search, Data Analysis -> data_analysis

All of the documentation including the user manual, install guide, and project report are located in the docs folder. Project report -> project_report.pdf, Install guide -> install_guide.pdf, User Manual pdf -> manual.pdf, User Manual html -> user_manual directory