bssw-tutorial / presentations

Presentations for BSSw tutorial modules
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BSSw Tutorial Presentations

The main directory is where work usually takes place to update presentations for a new tutorial. When the content is ready, PDFs are generated, renamed (to reflect the sequence of presentation) and moved to the appropriate subdirectory of the final-presentations folder. Then, the repository it tagged with the tutorial's event label, and a zip of the presentation PDFs is uploaded as part of defining a GitHub release in the repository.

Important note: On 2021-05-21, the template for the presentations was updated. If you want to add slides from presentations before that date, make sure you use the Use destination theme option when you paste the slides in.


Presenters and Contributors

On the title page of each presentation, we list the presenter's name (underlined), pronouns, and affiliation. We also separately list all of the contributors to the presentation (with short affiliations). Every past presenter is assumed to have contributed, and others may have as well. Contributors are listed in alphabetical order. The current presenter is also listed as a contributor.

Best Practices

Preparing for a Tutorial Event

The following are the general steps to follow for the production of presentations for a new tutorial event. Some adaptation may be required for special circumstances.


Process for Updating the Presentations

Some institutions have requirements for review prior to release for slide decks being presented by their employees. In some cases, "R&R numbers" must be added to the slide deck as visible confirmation that they have been reviewed. Where required, our convention is to place the R&R number in the lower right corner of the title slide of the deck, just above the colored band with the logos. We use 12pt Arial.

  1. Create the final-presentations/<event-label> directory.
  2. In the event directory, create a doi.txt file which contains the reserved DOI URL.
  3. git add and git commit the doi.txt file.
  4. Update the license-master.pptx file with the appropriate citation and any other changes that might be required. We prefer to use the same slide in all presentations unless there are good reasons for something special.
  5. Update the agenda-master.pptx file. The agenda table on the web page can be copied and pasted into the Powerpoint table. It works best if you create a Powerpoint table first in order to get the style from the slide template.
  6. Update intro.pptx
    • Title slide (1) should list all presenters, then all helpers. It should list the venue for the tutorial. Remove unneeded R&R numbers that may be present.
    • License slide (2) should be replaced with the new one from license-master.pptx. This is easily done by copy and pasting in the left-hand thumbnail view, then deleting the old license slide.
    • Update the About Us slide (3) with the presenters, then helpers. Change head shots to match. We keep a gallery of head shots in the head-shots folder.
    • Update the Hands-On Activities slide (9) as appropriate for the event. You may find some alternatives in intro-extras.pptx. Copy the current slide to -extras before changing it.
    • Update the We Want to Interact With You slide (11) as appropriate.
  7. Update the remaining presentations
    • Title slide (1) should list presenter (underlined), pronouns, and affiliation. Update tutorial venue (should be consistent across all presentations, including intro.pptx). Update contributor list if necessary. Remove unneeded R&R numbers that may be present.
    • License slide (2) should be replaced with the new one from license-master.pptx
  8. In the overview.pptx presentation, also replace the agenda slides at the end with the new one(s) from agenda-master.pptx.
  9. Presenters should revise any other content as desired.
  10. Update the presentations.yml file to reflect any new presentations or changed titles. This file is used in the website.

Quality Control

Once the presentations have been updated, it is always a good idea to review the slides for quality. Slides should be viewed in presentation mode to be sure you're seeing what the audience will see.

Preparing a Release

Note that the bssw-tutorial website is capable of generating bash script commands that cover all but the first step in this process (though at the moment they may require a bit of adjustment here and there to match below). They are generated by the <event-label>/ file and can be accessed at the URL<event-label>/utilities.html in the generated site.

  1. Foreach presentation, generate a PDF using Powerpoint's Save as Adobe PDF feature which will produce a PDF document with pages exactly sized to the template. Do not print to PDF, as that will generate PDF's sized for printer paper, with sizable top and bottom margins.
  2. Copy presentations.yml to the final-presentations/<event-label> directory
  3. Foreach presentation PDF
    • Rename it to start with the appropriate sequence number, based on the order of the presentations (the Module column of the agenda table). For example intro.pdf to 00-intro.pdf and overview.pdf to 01-overview.pdf.
    • Move the PDF file to the final-presentation/<event-label> folder.
  4. git add and git commit the contents of the event directory.
  5. Change to the event directory.
  6. Create a zip archive of the PDF files (only) with the command zip --update <event-label>.zip *.pdf
    • The zip file does not need to be committed to the git repository since you have all of the constituent files.
  7. Tag the repository for the event:
    • git tag -a <event-label> -m "<title> at <venue>"; git push origin --tags
  8. Create a release based on the tag. This can be done with the gh scripting tool:
    • gh release create <event-label> --title "<event-date> <title> @ <venue>"; gh release upload <event-label> <>

If you update any of the presentations after the release, you should update the release by moving the tag and replacing the zip file on GitHub.