btcpayserver / Smartstore.BTCPayServer

Integration of BTCPayServer with SmartStore
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
5 stars 2 forks source link
bitcoin btcpayserver smartstore

NOTE: This fork of Smartstore hosts the plugin source code for the BTCPay Server integration. You can view its README at src/Smartstore.Modules/Smartstore.BTCPayServer/

Building the plugin

Running build-btcpayplugin.ps1 or will build the plugin and place the resulting zip file in build/packages which you can then use to install.

Releasing the plugin

A github actions workflow is configured to automatically build and release the plugin when a new tag is pushed to the repository. The workflow will build the plugin and upload it to the releases page The tag name must be in the format BTCPayServer/{version}, where {version} is the version of the plugin as defined in src\Smartstore.Modules\Smartstore.BTCPayServer\module.json.

Testing without debugging

Simply run docker compose up in this directory and the latest version of SmartStore will be run on http://localhost. Just use the SQLite db option and you're good to go.



Ready. Sell. Grow.

A modular, scalable and ultra-fast open-source all-in-one eCommerce platform built on ASP.NET Core 7.

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Smartstore Demoshop

Smartstore is a cross-platform, modular, scalable and ultra-fast open source all-in-one eCommerce platform based on ASP.NET Core 7, Entity Framework, Vue.js, Sass, Bootstrap and more.

Smartstore includes all the essential features to create multi-language, multi-store, multi-currency shops targeting desktop or mobile devices and enables SEO-optimised, rich product catalogs with support for unlimited number of products and categories, variants, bundles, datasheets, ESD, discounts, coupons and much more.

A comprehensive set of tools for CRM & CMS, Sales, Marketing, Payment & Shipping Handling etc. makes Smartstore a powerful all-in-one solution that meets all your needs.

Smartstore delivers a beautiful and configurable shop frontend out-of-the-box, built with a high level design approach, including components like Sass, Bootstrap and others. The included Flex theme is modern, clean and fully responsive, giving shoppers the best possible shopping experience on any device.

The state-of-the-art architecture of Smartstore - with ASP.NET Core 7, Entity Framework Core 7 and Domain Driven Design approach - makes it easy to extend, extremely flexible and basically fun to work with ;-)

Technology & Design

Key Features

Smartstore Screenshots

Getting Started

System requirements

Supported operating systems

Supported database systems

Upgrade from Smartstore.NET 4.2

Smartstore 5 is a port of Smartstore.NET 4 - based on the classic .NET Framework 4.7.2 – to the new ASP.NET Core 7 platform. Smartstore instances based on classic ASP.NET MVC can be upgraded seamlessly. To upgrade, all you need to do is replace the application files on your server - except for the App_Data directory - and all your data will automatically be transferred to the new system. See the documentation for detailed information on installing or upgrading your store.

:information_source: Upgrading from versions older than 4.2 is not possible. Therefore, you should migrate Smartstore.NET to version 4.2 first and then upgrade to Smartstore 5.

Visual Studio

Repository Structure


Build Smartstore

Option 1 - by publishing the entry host project

  1. Open the Smartstore solution in Visual Studio 2022
  2. Use Release configuration
  3. (Re)build the solution
  4. Publish host project Smartstore.Web

Option 2 - by running a build script

Run the build script corresponding to your target platform in the build directory: build.{Platform}.cmd. The resulting build will be placed in the build/artifacts/Community.{Version}.{Platform} directory. A zip archive in build/artifacts/ is created automatically.

By default, the build script produces a platform-specific, self-contained application that includes the ASP.NET runtime and libraries, the Smartstore application and its dependencies. You can run it on any machine that doesn't have the .NET runtime installed.

Smartstore uses Nuke ( as its build automation solution, which makes it easy to customize the build process by editing src/Smartstore.Build/Smartstore.Build/Build.cs.

About the "src/Smartstore.Web/Modules" directory

While building the solution, all modules in src/Smartstore.Modules/ are detected, compiled and placed in the src/Smartstore.Web/Modules/ directory. The application runtime uses this directory as a source from which modules are loaded dynamically. During development, however, the "Modules" directory is irrelevant. You can safely delete it at any time.

Creating Docker images

To create a Docker image, run build/dockerize.{Platform}[.nobuild].sh.

Creates a Debian Linux base image including the complete ASP.NET runtime, builds the solution and publishes a framework-dependent application inside the Linux container. It also installs the native wkhtmltopdf library needed to generate PDF files.

Much faster, but requires that the application has already been built and is located in build/artifacts/Community.{Version}.linux-x64. Creates a Debian Linux base image with only the ASP.NET runtime dependencies and copies the build artifact. It also installs the native wkhtmltopdf library needed to generate PDF files.

Creates a Windows Nano Server base image with only the ASP.NET runtime dependencies and copies the build artifact. Requires that the application has already been built and is located in build/artifacts/Community.{Version}.win-x64. It also requires that the Docker engine is running a Windows image.

Creating Docker containers

To create a ready-to-run Docker container with a database server run compose.{DbSystem}.sh.

Creates a composite Docker container containing the smartstore application image and the latest MySql image.

Creates a composite Docker container containing the smartstore application image and the latest MS SQL Server image.


Try it online

We have set up a live online demo for you to test Smartstore without a local installation. Get a first impression and test all available features in the frontend and backend. Please note that the backend demo is shared and other testers can modify data at the same time.


Smartstore Community Edition is released under the AGPL license.

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