bterlson / cadl-rdfs

A cadl to rdfs emitter
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A prototype emitter for Cadl models to RDF in Turtle format. Uses vocabulary from rdf, rdfs, and


Add the following to your cadl-project.yaml:

  "cadl-rdf": true

Then, add import "cadl-rdf" to your Cadl program and add the @rdfns decorator on a namespace or individual models you want to generate RDF for. For example, if your main.cadl file contains

import "cadl-rdf";
using CadlRdf;

@rdfns("ex", "")
model Person {
  name: string;

will result in the cadl-output/models.ttl being generated like:

@prefix rdf: <>.
@prefix rdfs: <>.
@prefix xsd: <>.
@prefix ex: <>.

ex:Person rdf:type rdfs:Class.
ex:name rdf:type rdf:Property;
    rdfs:domain ex:Person;
    rdfs:range xsd:string.

See the sample directory for a larger example.


Until this package is published, it can be consumed by cloning this repository and running:

npm install
npm pack

This will produce a tarball you can pass to npm install to add this emitter to other projects.


PRs and other contributions are very welcome!

Building the project

Run these instructions from the root directory (where sample.cadl file is a CADL file you want to emit to RDF):

npm install
npm run build
npx cadl compile sample.cadl --emit cadl-rdf

Running tests

Tests are a work in progress.