This is the official implementation accompanying the paper "Deep Neural Network Classifier for Variable Stars with Novelty Detection Capability" (arXiv: Our motivation was to explore the application of deep neural networks for more than one single task beyond variable classification.
The code for the recurrent neural network-based autoencoder was taken from the official implementation by B. Naul et al (2018) [View Code, Read Paper]. There is no publicly available official implementation of the Deep Autoencoding Gaussian Mixture Model (DAGMM) by B. Zong et al. (2018) [Read Paper]. Our estimation network and Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) implementation have benefited tremendously from the unofficial implementations by danieltan07, Newcomer520, and in particular tnakae.
We have trained the models with the following packages:
We have made extensive use of the All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernova (ASAS-SN) Variable Stars Database [Visit database, Read Paper].
An example dataset of ASAS-SN variable star light curves is included under ./data/asassn/sample.pkl
, which is adopted from B. Naul's implementation.
We have added functions for computing the reconstruction error features.
. In particular, the function to compute sample energy
is defined
sets up and trains the RNN autoencoder and estimation network. In the case of sequential training, this script is responsible only for the RNN autoencoder training.
. In the case of sequential training, the estimation network is set up and trained here, followed by the calculation of results. Example slurm scripts to launch the joint and sequential training can be found in train_joint.slurm
and train_sequential.slurm
On a local machine, joint training can be launched by:
$ python --batch_size 500 --nb_epoch 250 --model_type gru --size 96 --num_layers 2 --embedding 16 --period_fold --drop_frac 0.25 --gmm_on --estnet_size 16 --num_classes 8 --estnet_drop_frac 0.5 --lambda1 0.001 --lr 2.0e-4 --ss_resid 0.7 --class_prob 0.9 --sim_type asassn --survey_files data/asassn/sample.pkl
At first sight the above command may look overwhelming, here's a list explaining what each parameter controls.
: name of output directory, to be appended after ./keras_logs/
. In the above example, training results and neural network weights will be stored under ./keras_logs/asassn/
. --survey_files
: location of the pkl file containing input light curves. Example code for converting raw light curves into a single pkl file can be found in
: size of the minibatch (number of light curve sequences) used in training. --nb_epoch
: number of epochs to train the joint network for; in the case of sequential training, this controls the number of epochs for autoencoder training.--model_type
: type of RNN layer, available options are gru
(Gated Recurrent Unit), lstm
(Long Short-term memory), and vanilla
(simple RNN structure).--size
: number of unit in each RNN layer. --num_layers
: number of RNN layers.--embedding
: embedding size for the autoencoder.--n_min
and --n_max
: minimum and maximum number of observational epochs per light curve sequence. We set both to be 200 in the current work.--period_fold
: whether to phase-fold input light curves. Remove this flag for training without period-folding the light curves. --drop_frac
: dropout rate of the RNN layers. Set --drop_frac 0.0
to disable the dropout layer.--gmm_on
: on switch for joint training, remove this flag for sequential training.--lambda1
: coefficient lambda in front of the GMM loss L_GMM
(Equation (6)). --estnet_size
: size(s) of the hidden layers excluding the input and output layers. For example, set --estnet_size 16
for a single hidden layer with 16 units. --estnet_drop_frac
: dropout rate of estimation network's hidden layer(s). Set --estnet_drop_frac 0.0
to disable the dropout layer. --num_classes
: number of variable classes/GMM components.--cls_epoch
: number of epochs to train the estimation network for, used only for sequential training. --lr
: learning rate for training.--ss_resid
: (optional) maximum threshold of super-smoother residual for filtering input light curves. --class_prob
: (optional) minimum ASAS-SN classification probability for filtering input light curves.