btkelly / gnag

A Gradle plugin that helps facilitate GitHub PR checking and automatic commenting of violations.
Apache License 2.0
125 stars 14 forks source link
android android-lint checkstyle findbugs github-pr gradle pmd reporting-violations violations

Gnag Coverage Status Android Arsenal

Gnag is a Gradle plugin that helps facilitate GitHub PR checking and automatic commenting of violations for Android projects.

It can be used in Java-only, Kotlin-only, and mixed Java/Kotlin codebases.

The name is a portmanteau of the words "Gradle" and "nag". The first "g" is silent!

Example Output

Below are examples of output posted to a GitHub PR on a project using Gnag to enforce quality checks.

Violations associated with a specific line in your PR will be posted as comments on that line:

Violations that are not associated with a specific line in your PR will be aggregated and posted in a single top-level PR comment:


Requires JDK 11 or Higher

Gnag is meant to be simple to use and easy to drop in to any JVM based project. Shown below is the simplest Gnag setup that will report violations to GitHub. By default this config will report PMD, Checkstyle, ktlint, detekt and Android Lint to GitHub.

build.gradle (Groovy) ```groovy plugins { id "com.btkelly.gnag" version "{current version}" } gnag { github { repoName 'btkelly/repo' authToken '0000000000000' issueNumber '1' } } ```
build.gradle.kts (Kotlin) ```kotlin plugins { id("com.btkelly.gnag") version "{current version}" } gnag { github { repoName("btkelly/repo") authToken("0000000000000") issueNumber("1") } } ```

This is the simplest way to add automatic PR checking and commenting to your project. The options defined in the github closure can be overridden by passing command line parameters with the same name to your build. This is helpful when using in conjunction with a CI system to allow automated builds.


You can use the gnagCheck gradle task to run Gnag locally and generate an HTML report in the build directory.

./gradlew clean gnagCheck

You can use the gnagReport task which will first run gnagCheck and then report detected violations to the GitHub issue specified. In this example the issue number and authtoken for the comment user are passed as commandline arguments.

./gradlew clean gnagReport -PissueNumber=11 -PauthToken=iu2n3iu2nfjknfjk23nfkj23nk


build.gradle (Groovy) ```groovy gnag { enabled true failOnError true checkstyle { enabled true toolVersion "8.45.1" reporterConfig project.file('config/checkstyle.xml') } pmd { enabled true toolVersion "6.22.0" reporterConfig project.file('config/pmd.xml') } ktlint { enabled true toolVersion "0.42.0" } detekt { enabled true reporterConfig project.file('config/detekt.yml') toolVersion "1.17.1" } androidLint { enabled true severity 'Error' } github { rootUrl '' repoName 'btkelly/repo' authToken '0000000000000' issueNumber '1' setCommentInline true setCommentOnSuccess true useGitHubStatuses true } } ```
build.gradle.kts (Kotlin) ```kotlin gnag { isEnabled = true setFailOnError(true) checkstyle { isEnabled = true toolVersion("8.45.1") reporterConfig(project.file("config/checkstyle.xml")) } pmd { isEnabled = true toolVersion("6.22.0") reporterConfig(project.file("config/pmd.xml")) } ktlint { isEnabled = true toolVersion("0.35.0") } detekt { isEnabled = true reporterConfig(project.file("config/detekt.yml")) } androidLint { isEnabled = true severity("Error") } github { rootUrl("") repoName("btkelly/repo") authToken("0000000000000") issueNumber("1") setCommentInline(true) setCommentOnSuccess(true) useGitHubStatuses(true) } } ```

NOTE: All reporters are enabled by default

Multi-Module Projects

To enforce the same quality checks across multiple Gradle modules, apply and configure Gnag in your root build.gradle file as follows (you can remove the equivalent code from submobule build.gradle files):

build.gradle (Groovy) ```groovy plugins { id "com.btkelly.gnag" version "{current version}" apply false } subprojects { plugins { id "com.btkelly.gnag" } gnag { // Standard Gnag configuration goes here. // // Reference tool configuration files using the rootProject: // reporterConfig rootProject.file('config/toolrules.xml') } } ```
build.gradle.kts (Kotlin) ```kotlin plugins { id("com.btkelly.gnag") version "{current version}" apply false } subprojects { plugins { id("com.btkelly.gnag") } configure { // Standard Gnag configuration goes here. // // Reference tool configuration files using the rootProject: // reporterConfig(rootProject.file("config/toolrules.xml")) } } ```

You may need to keep the Android lint portions of your configuration in submodule build.gradle files if your project includes non-Android submodules. In this case, you should also use the rootProject to reference any shared lint configuration file.

Example Travis CI Usage

Travis is a continuous integration service and is free for open source projects. Below is an example of how to configure Gnag to run on Travis.

You must set an environment variable on your Travis instance for the PR_BOT_AUTH_TOKEN used to post comments back to GitHub.


language: android
  - platform-tools
  - tools
  - build-tools-25.0.3
  - android-25
  - openjdk8
  - master
script: "./"

set -ev

if [ "${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST}" = "false" ]; then
    ./gradlew clean gnagCheck
    ./gradlew clean gnagReport -PauthToken="${PR_BOT_AUTH_TOKEN}" -PissueNumber="${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST}"


Copyright 2016 Bryan Kelly

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.