We think that to fully understand neuronal morphologies, circuits and their variance we have to look at the substrate at large. That is, how neurons developed and interactions between a developing neuron and the substrate (e.g., toher neurons, boundaries, capillaries,...) influence their morphology. For this purpose we developed NeuroMaC
NeuroMaC is a phenomenological, computational framework to generate \ large numbers of virtual neuronal morphologies (and resultant \ microcircuits) simultaneously according to growth-rules expressed in \ terms of interactions with the environment.
.. warning:: Currenly, a prototype of NeuroMaC is implemented in Python. \ This version is a proof-of-principle and nothing beyond that. This \ prototype has many limitations and we are working towards a \ non-prototype version, which should be released in the next year. \ The current prototype code is freely available.
Documentation <http://b-torbennielsen.home.oist.jp/neuromac/>
Main author: Ben Torben-Nielsen <http://b-torbennielsen.home.oist.jp/>