btror / mc-pathfinding

Spigot pathfinding library for Minecraft Plugin Development.
MIT License
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Spigot Pathfinding Library

The mc-pathfinding library provides pathfinding and animation capabilities for your Minecraft server plugins. This README will guide you on how to use this library in your server plugins.

Example use case: mc-lightning-strike repository

Table of Contents


To use this library in your Spigot plugin, you should add it as a dependency. Here's how to do it:

Option 1 - Add Maven Dependency

  1. Add dependency to dependencies list in pom.xml:

        <version>"insert package version"</version>
  2. Add repository to repositories list in pom.xml:


Option 2 - Locally Install Jar File

  1. Download the Plugin JAR:

    • Obtain the JAR file from the Releases section of this repository.
  2. Add the Dependency to Your Project:

    • Add the mc-pathfinding library as a dependency in your project's plugin.yml:

      depend: [mc-pathfinding]
    • Add the mc-pathfinding jar file in the server plugin folder.

  3. Reload Your Project:

    • After adding the dependency, reload your project to ensure that the library is properly integrated.


Pathfinding Methods

The plugin provides various pathfinding algorithms that you can use to create animations in your Minecraft world. These algorithms can be triggered using the astarSearch, greedyBestFirstSearch, and beamSearch methods with different parameters. You can use the search method to better customize the pathfinding animation.

Here is a list of methods available in the McPathfinding library:


Performs pathfinding A* Search with the specified parameters.

Parameter Description
JavaPlugin plugin The plugin containing the pathfinding dependency.
Location[][][] snapshot 3D array of Location objects representing your Minecraft world's layout.
Location startLocation The starting Location for the pathfinding operation.
Location targetLocation The target Location to reach.
Material material (optional) A block type that you want to use for visualization.
Particle particle (optional) A visual particle effect to enhance the animation.
boolean tightParticleSpawning (optional) Spawn particle effects closer together than a normal block space.
boolean diagonalMovement (optional) Indicates whether diagonal movement is allowed during pathfinding.
long delay (optional) The delay (in ticks) before starting the animation.
long period (optional) The period (in ticks) at which the animation updates.


Performs pathfinding Beam Search with the specified parameters.

Parameter Description
JavaPlugin plugin The plugin containing the pathfinding dependency.
Location[][][] snapshot 3D array of Location objects representing your Minecraft world's layout.
Location startLocation The starting Location for the pathfinding operation.
Location targetLocation The target Location to reach.
int beamWidth The width of the beam to search i.e., the maximum size of the algorithm open list.
Material material (optional) A block type that you want to use for visualization.
Particle particle (optional) A visual particle effect to enhance the animation.
boolean tightParticleSpawning (optional) Spawn particle effects closer together than a normal block space.
boolean diagonalMovement (optional) Indicates whether diagonal movement is allowed during pathfinding.
long delay (optional) The delay (in ticks) before starting the animation.
long period (optional) The period (in ticks) at which the animation updates.


Performs pathfinding Greedy Best First Search with the specified parameters.

Parameter Description
JavaPlugin plugin The plugin containing the pathfinding dependency.
Location[][][] snapshot 3D array of Location objects representing your Minecraft world's layout.
Location startLocation The starting Location for the pathfinding operation.
Location targetLocation The target Location to reach.
Material material (optional) A block type that you want to use for visualization.
Particle particle (optional) A visual particle effect to enhance the animation.
boolean tightParticleSpawning (optional) Spawn particle effects closer together than a normal block space.
boolean diagonalMovement (optional) Indicates whether diagonal movement is allowed during pathfinding.
long delay (optional) The delay (in ticks) before starting the animation.
long period (optional) The period (in ticks) at which the animation updates.


Initiates a pathfinding animation with the specified parameters.

Method Description
JavaPlugin plugin The plugin containing the pathfinding dependency.
Location[][][] snapshot 3D array of Location objects representing your Minecraft world's layout.
Location startLocation The starting Location for the pathfinding operation.
Location targetLocation The target Location to reach.
Material material A block type that you want to use for visualization.
Particle particle A visual particle effect to enhance the animation.
boolean tightParticleSpawning Spawn particle effects closer together than a normal block space.
String algorithm The pathfinding algorithm to use (e.g., "astar" or "gbfs").
boolean diagonalMovement Indicates whether diagonal movement is allowed during pathfinding.
long delay The delay (in ticks) before starting the animation.
long period The period (in ticks) at which the animation updates.
int beamWidth The width of the beam to search i.e., the maximum size of the algorithm open list. Defaults to 0 for algorithms that don't use it.


You can customize the pathfinding animations by adjusting the method parameters, such as the material, particle, delay, and period. Experiment with different values to achieve the desired visual effect.

// Examples of a few ways to use the astarSearch and greedyBestFirstSearch methods.
McPathfinding.astarSearch(plugin, snapshot, startLocation, targetLocation, material);
McPathfinding.astarSearch(plugin, snapshot, startLocation, targetLocation, particle, tightParticleSpawning);
McPathfinding.astarSearch(plugin, snapshot, startLocation, targetLocation, material, diagonalMovement);
McPathfinding.greedyBestFirstSearch(plugin, snapshot, startLocation, targetLocation, material, particle, tightParticleSpawning, diagonalMovement);
McPathfinding.greedyBestFirstSearch(plugin, snapshot, startLocation, targetLocation, material, delay, period);
McPathfinding.greedyBestFirstSearch(plugin, snapshot, startLocation, targetLocation, material, particle, tightParticleSpawning, diagonalMovement, delay, period);

// Example of one way to use beamSearch method.
McPathfinding.beamSearch(plugin, snapshot, startLocation, targetLocation, material, beamWidth);

// Example of how to use the search method., snapshot, startLocation, targetLocation, material, particle, tightParticleSpawning, algorithm, diagonalMovement, delay, period);

Here's a simple example scenario of how the library can be used.

// Create a snapshot of an area in your Minecraft world based on the location of a Player.
Location[][][] snapshot = new Location[11][11][11];

for(int i = 0; i < 11; i++){
        for(int j = 0; j < 11; j++){
                for(int k = 0; k < 11; k++){
                        snapshot[i][j][k] = new Location(
                                player.getLocation().getX() + i,
                                player.getLocation().getY() + j,
                                player.getLocation().getZ() + k

// Choose a start and target location in the snapshot.
Location snapshotStartLocation = snapshot[10][10][10];
Location snapshotTargetLocation = snapshot[8][7][0];

// Use a pathfinding method to find a path from start to target.
McPathfinding.astarSearch(plugin, snapshot, snapshotStartLocation, snapshotTargetLocation, Material.GOLD_BLOCK, 0, 4);

Feel free to explore more customization options and use different pathfinding methods provided by the plugin to create engaging animations in your Minecraft server.


We welcome contributions from the community! Whether you want to report a bug, request a feature, or submit a code improvement, please follow the guidelines in the to make the process smooth and efficient.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.