bu-ist / responsive-child-starter

A starter template for themes using Responsive Framework version 2.
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[Project Name]

Setup instructions (delete after repository setup is complete)

You're ready for work! Go ahead and delete this section when all boxes are checked.

A starter template for child themes of Responsive Framework 2. For Responsive Framework 3, please see https://github.com/bu-ist/responsive-child-starter-3x/.


Quick start

Common commands this theme supports

Project information

Important links

Information for collaborators

Github Project Organization

Issue Tags & Columns, Assignees, etc:

Development workflow

Pull requests

Branch structure

Code review and CodeClimate


Supported Technologies

Please update this if you have a newer version of Node and can verify the theme compiles with it.

Plugins and Framework Version

Please remove any plugins you do not plan to support in this theme.

Package Management

Name Version Purpose
node.js 12.19.0 LTS Support for npm
npm X Package management. See package.json for a full list of packages.

Frontend Dependencies

Name Version Purpose
Responsive Foundation (Required) 4.0.0 Basic styles and utilities for all Boston University themes
BU PrePress (Optional, delete if irrelevant to this project) X Editorial tools for Boston University schools and colleges which produce magazines or other news publications.
BU Blocks (Optional, delete if irrelevant to this project) X Custom Gutenberg blocks for Boston University websites. Required by BU PrePress.

Linting and Browser Support Tools

Name Version Purpose
@babel/core See package.json Allows you to use newer JavaScript (ES6) syntax, such as import and arrow functions.
@babel/preset-env See package.json Allows you to tell Babel which browsers to provide compatibility for. Settings are set according to our browser support standards.
@wordpress/babel-preset-default See package.json Default Babel preset for WordPress development.
@wordpress/eslint-plugin See package.json JavaScript linting, configurations and custom rules for WordPress development.
autoprefixer See package.json Adds browser prefixes to CSS. Used with PostCSS.
babelify See package.json Sends anything going through Browserify on to Babel.
browserify-shim See package.json Allows jQuery and other non-Common JS libraries to go through Browserify.
eslint See package.json Lints JavaScript, checks against coding standards and finds errors.

Task Management and Compilation Tools

Name Version Purpose
grunt See package.json Compiles the theme SCSS and runs commands like linting. We plan to replace this in the future.
grunt-browserify See package.json Lets you require modules. In this theme, it handles the jQuery dependency.
grunt-contrib-clean See package.json Small utility to clean out files and folders as part of compiling.
grunt-contrib-concat See package.json Combines separate JavaScript files into one as part of compiling.
grunt-contrib-copy See package.json Copies files and folders as part of compiling.
grunt-contrib-uglify See package.json Minifies files as part of compiling.
grunt-postcss See package.json Adds CSS browser prefixes as part of compiling.
grunt-sass See package.json Settings to compile SCSS files as part of compiling process.
grunt-version See package.json Looks for a version number in package.json and copies it to other files during the compiling process.
grunt-wp-i18n See package.json Sets internationalization theme domain text throughout the theme as part of compiling.
node-sass See package.json Compiles the SCSS according to grunt settings as part of compiling. We currently use the LibSass setting behind the scenes as compiling engine. Dart Sass is possible to use, but is much slower.


Compiling errors

You'll see these types of errors in the terminal, and this should be your first stop if anything isn't working as expected, including styles not showing up. Try running the following if your theme is not compiling successfully when you run grunt build.

  1. If this theme successfully compiled before, check for a code error first. Look for red in the terminal, and see if you can trace it back to a file and line number. If the error is in your code, try to fix the error. If the error is in Responsive Foundation, continue with the following steps to see if it can be resolved. Both CSS and JavaScript errors can cause this behavior.
  2. Delete package-lock.json, then run npm install, even if you have already run it before.
  3. Run node -v and npm -v to see your current node and npm versions. Do they match the versions in the supported technologies list? If not, use nvm to change the version by running nvm use [VERSION NUMBER], where [VERSION NUMBER] is replaced with the version from the list above.
  4. Run npm rebuild node-sass --force, then rerun npm install. This one is helpful if you see a Node Sass OSX bindings error, or just switched npm/node versions for this theme.

"X isn't showing on my sandbox" errors

Once you've confirmed your theme is compiling, the next step is to make sure your files are uploading correctly.

  1. If you are using monitoring or upload on save, check that the monitoring is actually enabled.
  2. Check the settings in your FTP tool of choice (usually SFTP for Sublime Text, Publishing settings in Coda, or SFTP for VSCode). Is your theme mapped to the correct sandbox, and uploading to the correct folder?
  3. Create a simple text file in your code editor, such as text.txt. Upload (don't monitor) the file using your code editor. Now, open a FTP program such as Transmit, Filezilla, or Cyberduck, and navigate to your theme folder in the server. Did the file upload? If so, your FTP is working correctly, and this is either a monitoring problem (go back to step 1) or a CSS problem (go to the next section).

Styling errors

If you've confirmed a file is uploading, but the CSS you expect to see still isn't showing up, it's probably your CSS selector. Here's how to test that.

  1. Choose a very broad text selector you can easily see, such as body or h1. Set the color to red, and use the important flag, like so: h1 { color: red !important; } Upload your file again.
  2. If you see the change, the problem is with your selector and overriding. If you do not see the change, try one more time with a different selector.
  3. If you still do not see the change, clear your cache. Try a hard refresh first (shift+cmd+r). You can also try opening a private window.
  4. If you still do not see the change, wait five minutes, and try again. Rarely, the issue will be with caching on the server side. Grab a coffee, come back, and give it one more try.
  5. If you're still not seeing the change here, it's time to ask for help. See if a designer or developer has a few minutes to help you out in the #interactive-design channel.