bubnikv / omniasdrbasicfirmware

Vojtech's fork of the Omnia SDR Basic firmware to support firmware generated CW
Apache License 2.0
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Omnia SDR Basic with OK1IAK's QSK CW mods

Add-on board image

This is a firmware fork for the Omnia Basic SDR (now Proficio Basic SDR) by Vojtech Bubnik OK1IAK. In the current incarnation, the firmware integrates a Iambic keyer, which produces an IQ transmit tone at VFO+1kHz frequency and a 1.2kHz sine sidetone at the pin 29 (P1[4], connected to the programming connector), therefore a full QSK is possible without the host SDR application even knowing the hardware is transmitting. An add-on board is proposed to provide three push buttons for a keyer control and an external amplifier is needed to produce a keyer sidetone.

The kits available from http://www.multus-sdr.com/

The firmware has some unusual properties:

There are following limitations of the current firmware:

Following hardware extensions are recommended:

To allow a zero latency QSK, this firmware generates a sidetone on pin 29 (P1[4]). The sidetone is generated by an integrated 8 bit D/A current converter feeding an integrated 4.7k resistor connected to ground. Therefore the tone output exhibits steps at the D/A modulation frequency and the output cannot drive an audio transducer directly. A common LM386 integrated amplifier has been used to drive a tiny audio transducer or a small speaker. Another possibility is to feed the sidetone audio into a sound card line input and configure the integrated sound card mixer to mix the sidetone with the SDR receive audio.

A couple of buttons are always handy to control the integrated keyer without a host intervention. Having the keyer control integrated into the transceiver will make it easier to port the host application to any operating system or smartphone.

The add-on schematic has been split to two parts: The ESD protection dead-bug soldered onto the bottom of the Omnia bord, and the add-on board holding the big and heavy components. Add-on board schematic Add-on board schematic PDF

The ESD protection chip and the amplifier chip were found in Vojtech's junk box and they are not critical. Four silicon diodes were used to limit the LM386's Vss to 12V.

Other add-on board pictures could be seen here.

Building Firmware

The project was built with PSoC Creator 3.3 SP1 http://www.cypress.com/

It is normal to get errors about missing files until you have built the project for the first time. This is because the generated files have been excluded from the git repository.

The "bootloader" project must be built before you can build the "basic" project. As of now the Release build of the "basic" project links incorrectly the Debug result of the "bootloader" project, so you have to build the Debug "bootloader" project before building the Release "basic" project. Current code does not fit the FLASH if the "basic" project is compiled in Debug mode, you have to build "basic" in the Release mode.