bucrogers / Dockerfiles-for-windows

Dockerfiles for SQL Server, ASP.NET 4.6 / IIS App, Docker Swarm, PostgreSQL, Python REST service et al.
MIT License
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Dockerfiles for Windows

All have been built and tested under Windows Server 2016 TP5.

Each of the above is entirely self-contained - all you need is what's in the dockerfile folder:

Azure Resource Manager Template to create Docker Windows Container Host

Below is an example of using an Azure Resource Template to install a Windows Server 2016 TP5 Docker Windows Containers host on Azure, using Azure CLI (which may be configured to run on Windows using a Cygwin terminal window as described here):

$ azure group create -n "cliEastUsRG" -l "East US"

Substitute a unique node name for the "dnsNameForPublicIP" parameter before running the following command in place of uniqueWindowsNodeName, such as "myname-win-node" (you can also substitute for the Azure123 and Azure!23 default admin username and password, respectively) - this operation can take up to 20 minutes to complete:

$ azure group deployment create cliEastUsRG win-node --template-uri https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bucrogers/Dockerfiles-for-windows/master/dotnet-aspnet46-webapp/azuredeploy.json -p '{"adminUsername": {"value": "Azure123"}, "adminPassword": {"value": "Azure!23"}, "dnsNameForPublicIP": {"value": "uniqueWindowsNodeName"}, "VMName": {"value": "win-node"},"location": {"value": "East US"}}'

Because Azure Marketplace does not currently offer a Container-ready TP5 image, you'll need to take the following additional step, which takes about 45min:

> powershell.exe -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass \install-containerhost
> docker images
REPOSITORY                TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
windowsservercore         10.0.14300.1000     dbfee88ee9fd        5 weeks ago         9.344 GB


Other Docker Windows Containers references