buerokratt / NoOps

Bürokratt deployment scripts, automated tests, etc
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Re-build Bürokratt's test environment at Riigipilv #7

Open turnerrainer opened 1 year ago

turnerrainer commented 1 year ago

AS AN Architect I WANT Bürokratt's test environment at Riigipilv to be re-built by automated scripts at any time SO THAT I could be confident that deployment scripts are in working order

Acceptance Criteria

The scope of this issue is to fully delete the previous rudimental environment and set it up from the scratch. Setting up fully functional services is out of scope of this issue

varmoh commented 1 year ago

At this moment, new environment has been built (proxy has not been enabled yet) There are still few minor issues, that I am looking into. Currently putting up Buerokratt chatbot services, that have been tested in previous environment.

TO DO Proxy (needs further testing), pinpointing an issue, where browsers do not accept IP approach but work when using DNS + port (should be reverseproxy issue). Setting up previously tested RESQL and hen the rest of pieces