buerokratt / NoOps

Bürokratt deployment scripts, automated tests, etc
MIT License
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Bürokratt deployment scripts, automated tests, etc

Deploy Bürokratt on K8s using helm

Pre-deployment - Cloning the repo

To get the needed scripts, component and module charts, you need to clone Buerokratt-NoOps repo

git clone https://github.com/buerokratt/NoOps.git

Change directory
cd Buerokratt-NoOps

Change into dev branch
git checkout dev

To change values.yaml's, change directory into
cd Kubernetes
Here look values.yaml's under Components/ Modules/ Post-deploy/ folders.

To run the deployment scripts, change directory into
cd scripts/deployment

Pre-deployment - changing the values
Deployment scripts
Script Description Options
deploy-kube Automates K8 Deployment -n (NameSpaces) -p (Pods)
post-deploy-kube Automates K8 Deployment post deployment -n (Namespace) -r (releasename) -c (Chartname) -c (Chartname)
remove-kube Automates K8 Deployment uninstalling -p (Releasename) -n (NameSpaces)

Important Notes:

Example - new Post-deployment chart test path ../../Kubernetes/Post-deploy/test update script with following

      echo "Installing test chart"
       helm install "$RELEASE_NAME" ../../Kubernetes/Components/test -n "$NAMESPACE"