Create a Slack app. Click "Add features and functionality," and add the "Bots" feature.
Set up ngrok for development. Run ngrok http to expose your local server to the internet.
Copy the URL ngrok gives you (it'll be something like
Go back to your Slack app's settings and add the ngrok URL in the Slack app permissions page under "Redirect URIs" with /oauth at the end of it (so, in our example,
If you're developing against the production version of Camille setup redis. Docker is an easy way to do this. If you have docker installed, run docker run --name redis -p 6379:6379 -d redis. Otherwise you can use MemoryStorage in place of redis.
Set the project's environment variables. Click the scheme dropdown, and hit "edit scheme."
Set the STORAGE_URL environment variable to the redis URL (redis:// by default)
Set CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET to the IDs that Slack shows on your App page. (Alternatively message @mergesort for some development credentials you can use for testing an integration.)
Set REDIRECT_URI to the redirect URL we set earlier (, in our example)
Run the project
Visit and authorize the app.