building-resilient-microservices / observability

A microservice observability (Logs, Metrics and Traces) example
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Microservice Observability Demo LinkedIn

Demo setup for Spring Boot 3 with Prometheus, Grafana, Loki, and Tempo to demonstrate Observability use-cases.

You must have Java 17 or latter and Maven 3 to run this project

brew install java
brew install maven

Start infrastructure dependencies

docker compose -p observability up 

Stop infrastructure dependencies

docker compose -p observability down

Stop infrastructure dependencies and purge data

docker compose -p observability down --volumes 

Start the demos

Before run the demos, you need to add kafka host to your /etc/hosts

sudo -- sh -c -e "echo '   kafka' >> /etc/hosts";

Run forrest, run.

./mvnw spring-boot:run -pl kafka-producer-demo
./mvnw spring-boot:run -pl kafka-consumer-demo

Take a look on Makefile, there are scripts to simulate latency, errors etc.

Local Infrastrucure Services