buildkite / test-splitter

go test splitting client
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Buildkite Test Splitter

Buildkite Test Splitter is an open source tool to orchestrate your test suites. It uses your Buildkite Test Analytics suite data to intelligently partition and parallelise your tests. Test Splitter currently only supports RSpec but support for other frameworks is coming soon.


The latest version of Buildkite Test Splitter can be downloaded from

Supported OS/Architecture

ARM and AMD architecture for linux and darwin

The available Go binaries

Using the Test Splitter

ENV variables

Test Splitter uses the following Buildkite provided environment variables. Please make sure that the following environment variables are available in your testing environment, particularly if you use Docker or some other type of containerization to run your tests. Environment Variable Description
BUILDKITE_BUILD_ID The UUID of the Buildkite build. Test Splitter uses this UUID along with BUILDKITE_STEP_ID to uniquely identify the test plan.
BUILDKITE_JOB_ID The UUID of the job in Buildkite build.
BUILDKITE_ORGANIZATION_SLUG The slug of your Buildkite organization.
BUILDKITE_PARALLEL_JOB The index number of a parallel job created from a Buildkite parallel build step.
Make sure you configure parallelism in your pipeline definition. You can read more about Buildkite parallel build step on this page.
BUILDKITE_PARALLEL_JOB_COUNT The total number of parallel jobs created from a Buildkite parallel build step.
Make sure you configure parallelism in your pipeline definition. You can read more about Buildkite parallel build step on this page.
BUILDKITE_STEP_ID The UUID of the step group in Buildkite build. Test Splitter uses this UUID along with BUILDKITE_BUILD_ID to uniquely identify the test plan.

In addition to the above variables, you must set the following environment variables.

Environment Variable Description
BUILDKITE_SPLITTER_API_ACCESS_TOKEN Buildkite API access token with read_suites, read_test_plan, and write_test_plan scopes. You can create an access token from Personal Settings in Buildkite
BUILDKITE_SPLITTER_SUITE_SLUG The slug of your Buildkite Test Analytics test suite. You can find the suite slug in the url for your suite. For example, the slug for the url: is my-suite

The following environment variables can be used optionally to configure your Test Splitter.

Environment Variable Default Value Description
BUILDKITE_SPLITTER_DEBUG_ENABLED false Flag to enable more verbose logging.
BUILDKITE_SPLITTER_RETRY_COUNT 0 The number of retries permitted. Test splitter runs the test command defined in BUILDKITE_SPLITTER_TEST_CMD, and retries only the failing tests for a maximum of BUILDKITE_SPLITTER_RETRY_COUNT times. For Rspec, the Test Splitter runs BUILDKITE_SPLITTER_TEST_CMD with --only-failures as the retry command.
BUILDKITE_SPLITTER_SPLIT_BY_EXAMPLE false Flag to enable split by example. When this option is true, the Test Splitter will split the execution of slow test files over multiple partitions.
BUILDKITE_SPLITTER_TEST_CMD bundle exec rspec {{testExamples}} Test command to run your tests. Test splitter will fill in the {{testExamples}} placeholder with the test splitting results
BUILDKITE_SPLITTER_TEST_FILE_EXCLUDE_PATTERN - Glob pattern to exclude certain test files or directories. The exclusion will be applied after discovering the test files using a pattern configured with BUILDKITE_SPLITTER_TEST_FILE_PATTERN.
This option accepts the pattern syntax supported by the zzglob library.
BUILDKITE_SPLITTER_TEST_FILE_PATTERN spec/**/*_spec.rb Glob pattern to discover test files. You can exclude certain test files or directories from the discovered test files using a pattern that can be configured with BUILDKITE_SPLITTER_TEST_FILE_EXCLUDE_PATTERN.
This option accepts the pattern syntax supported by the zzglob library.

Run the Test Splitter

Please download the executable and make it available in your testing environment. To parallelize your tests in your Buildkite build, you can amend your pipeline step configuration to:

  - name: "Rspec"
    command: ./test-splitter
    parallelism: 10

Exit code

Exit code Description
0 Success (passed through from test runner)
1 Failure (passed through from test runner)
16 Test Splitter failure (e.g., config error)
* Other errors (passed through from the test runner)