builtbywill / booklet

jQuery Plugin - display web content in a flipbook
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jQuery Booklet Plugin

:exclamation: This project is no longer under active development and has been archived. You can use as-is or fork the project to make changes.

Booklet is a jQuery tool for displaying content on the web in a flipbook layout. It was built using the jQuery library. Licensed under both MIT and GPL licenses.

For detailed documentation and information, visit http://www.builtbywill.com/booklet/. Below is some basic information to get you started.


To install jQuery Booklet into your webpage, first include jQuery, jQuery UI (optional), jQuery Easing and the booklet CSS and JS files.

// CSS
<link href="https://github.com/builtbywill/booklet/blob/master/booklet/jquery.booklet.latest.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen, projection, tv" />
// jQuery
<script src="https://github.com/builtbywill/booklet/raw/master//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script> window.jQuery || document.write('<script src="https://github.com/builtbywill/booklet/raw/master/booklet/jquery-2.1.0.min.js"><\/script>') </script>

// jQuery UI (optional)
<script src="https://github.com/builtbywill/booklet/raw/master//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.10.4/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>
<script> window.jQuery.ui || document.write('<script src="https://github.com/builtbywill/booklet/raw/master/booklet/jquery-ui-1.10.4.min.js"><\/script>') </script>

// Booklet
<script src="https://github.com/builtbywill/booklet/raw/master/booklet/jquery.easing.1.3.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="https://github.com/builtbywill/booklet/raw/master/booklet/jquery.booklet.latest.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

The target that will become your booklet should simply be a container with multiple children. All first level children will become pages inside of the booklet.

<div id="mybook">
        <h3>Yay, Page 1!</h3>
        <h3>Yay, Page 2!</h3>
        <h3>Yay, Page 3!</h3>
        <h3>Yay, Page 4!</h3>

Once you have the files included and the structure created, you can initialize the booklet.

$(function() {
    //single book

    //multiple books with ID's
    $('#mybook1, #mybook2').booklet();

    //multiple books with a class



Options can be set either with an init object, or afterwards with a setter function. Also, you can get the value of an option as well. To see all available options, see the Documentation

$(".selector").booklet({ width: 500 });

var width = $(".selector").booklet("option", "width");

$(".selector").booklet("option", "width", 600);


The following events are triggered when using a booklet.

Each event returns a data object which contains data related to the event. Common to all events are:

Only available for bookletcreate, bookletstart and bookletchange events:

Only available for bookletadd and bookletremove events:

You can bind your callbacks to events either at init, or using the event type. To see all available events, see the Documentation

    create: function(event, data) { ... }

//event type
$(".selector").bind("bookletcreate", function(event, data) {


The methods available for each booklet can be called on one or more booklets at the same time. Methods which return a value, such as an option, when called on more than one selector will return an array of values. Otherwise, the chainability of the elements will be maintained.

//destroys the booklet

// get a single returned option
var val = $("#selector").booklet("option", "width");

// get an array of returned options (for multiple booklets)
var val = $(".selector, .selector2").booklet("option", "width");

To see all available methods, see the Documentation


Once the booklet is created, the basic generated structure and CSS will appear below.

If more customization is desired, all generated classes are visible in the current jQuery Booklet stylesheet.

<div class="booklet" id="mybook">
    <div class="b-page b-page-0 b-p1">
        <div class="b-wrap b-wrap-left">
    <div class="b-page b-page-1 b-p2">
        <div class="b-wrap b-wrap-right">
    <div class="b-page b-page-2 b-p3">
        <div class="b-wrap b-wrap-left">
    <div class="b-page b-page-3 b-p4">
        <div class="b-wrap b-wrap-right">
    <div class="b-controls">