builtforme / LinkedIncognito

Chrome Extension to anonymize candidate profiles to reduce unconscious bias.
MIT License
0 stars 2 forks source link


This chrome extension anonymizes candidate profiles to reduce unconscious bias. It currently works on:

On the AngelList candidate tracker, it turns



anonymized candidate

On LinkedIn profile pages, it turns



anonymized person


Install from the Chrome Web Store.


Install from a local checkout by performing these steps:

  1. Clone this repo locally
    git clone https://github.com/builtforme/LinkedIncognito.git
  2. In Chrome, go to chrome://extensions
  3. Check "Developer mode"
  4. Click "Load unpacked extension..."
  5. Find and select the LinkedIncognito directory created from step 1


An ESLint configuration file is part of this repo, to get started and run the linter:

  1. Install ESLint globally
    npm i -g eslint
  2. In the project directory, run the following command to lint all the JavaScript files in the project:
    eslint *.js


Only BuiltForMe can deploy to the Chrome Web Store.

  1. Appropriately update the version number in manifest.json.
  2. Generate a zip file by running zip li.zip *.png *.js *.json *.html
  3. Upload to Chrome Web Store