bulib / dataWebsite

This repository is construction site of our bu.edu/data website
MIT License
1 stars 3 forks source link


This repository hosts our data services website. The development build is at https://bulib.github.io/dataWebsite/


Help us! To contribute checkout contribute.md.


Background/hosting documentation is stored in this Data Services Website Transition pdf.

It contains the information regarding:

Additional documentation describing how to add on to the site will be made available in the wiki of this repository. It should (eventually) cover:


Initial Set-Up

The following commands (to be run in the terminal/command window) should be run once and will provide you with a runnable local version of the code with its dependencies.

$ git clone https://github.com/bulib/dataWebsite.git  # pull down a copy of the code
$ cd dataWebsite  # switch into the directory containing the site
$ gem install bundler  # install the Bundler gem
$ bundle install  # install dependencies for running jekyll

Running locally

Once you're set up, serve the site locally at localhost:4000 with the following:

$ bundle exec jekyll serve


Configuring the Script

Noting that work should ideally be done in a separate branch (not master), when you're satisfied with the changes and how they appear locally, the ./_site/telegraph/dw-rebuild.sh script should help you deploy it to TEST and/or PRODUCTION.

Please make sure to update/double-check that the following variables are set correctly in the above dw-rebuild.sh script:

variable description
user BU username
local_path directory where your local version is located
local_build the folder within the project containing the output version
server the IS&T server hosting the dev and prod sites
dev_path path within that server where http://www-test.bu.edu/dev/data/ is hosted
production_path path within that server where http://www.bu.edu/data/ is hosted

Running the Script

To deploy, first ensure that

Then run it like so:

$ _site/telegraph/dw-rebuild.sh -d  # deploy to TEST
$ _site/telegraph/dw-rebuild.sh -p  # deploy to PROD

Note: the script will change git branches on you, and the gh-pages branch doesn't have anything in the telegraph folder. To change branches back to yours use the following:

$ git checkout branch_name