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20160921 - Open Science Lighning Talks #60

Closed tomhohenstein closed 8 years ago

tomhohenstein commented 8 years ago

Date: Sept. 21, 2016 Time: 6:00-7:30 Location: Estin Room - Mugar Library 3rd Floor (Labeled Interlibrary loan room on this map) Event: Open Science Lightning Talks Etherpad: https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/BU-Open-Science-Lightning-Talks (sign in to register)

This session is designed to be an introduction to a few concepts and tools used in open science to help make research more reproducible. Please join us in our new space in the Mugar Library.

Topic / Tool / Speaker Version Control / Git / Betsy Literate Programming / Jupyter Notebooks / Tom Transforming Writing / Pandoc / Will Accessing Remote Data / CURL & APIs / Chris Command Line / Unix / Alexey

If you have any additional ideas or suggestions - please comment.

ashiklom commented 8 years ago

How long are we thinking each of the lightning talks will be? 10 minutes?

tomhohenstein commented 8 years ago

10-15 minutes sounds about right. I have a very short jupyter notebook that i'm going to show to help talk through some of the features

tomhohenstein commented 8 years ago

@ashiklom are you still planning on video conferencing in? If so, we should do a quick (5-10 minute) test run just to make sure everything works.

ashiklom commented 8 years ago

@tomhohenstein Yes, that's the plan. Let's schedule a time that works for both of us on Gitter.

tomhohenstein commented 8 years ago

Great session. 11 ppl attended. I've downloaded the etherpad and added it to the studyGroupLesson repo. Please add your talk to the lesson repo.