bulib / studyGroup

This is BU's Study Group repo. Join us to learn code and share tips
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BU Study Group (a Mozilla Study Group)

Welcome to BU's Study Group. We are a group of students, staff, and researchers interested in open science, coding, reproducible research, and research. We're an open group and anyone associated with BU is welcome to join, attend, or lead a session.

Getting started

Wait What's a 'Mozilla Study Group'?

Mozilla Study Groups are fun, informal meetups of your friends and colleagues from around your local institution or town to share skills, stories and ideas on using code for research. The goal is to create a friendly, no-pressure environment where people can share their work, ask for help on a coding problem, and learn and work together with their peers.

View our lessons and talks

We keep our lessons and talks in a separate repository - studyGroupLessons - to help keep things organized. Take a minute to check them out!