bulljit / Transmission-Add-Torrent-Bookmarkelet

Bookmarklet to add torrents to Transmission WebUI from Iphone
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Bookmarklet for Adding a Torrent File to Transmission from your Mobile Phone

Last Updated: 2011-05-21

0.7 - Fix for foreign characters in URL
0.6 - Remove google-analytic cookies
0.5 - Filter for possible torrent links
0.4 - Added Private Tracker support (cookies). Requires Transmission 2.30+
0.3 - CSS fixes
0.2 - Added webpage for easy installation
0.1 - Allows basic transfer of public Torrents to iPhone


These instructions already assume that you have setup Transmission for web access, and setup the relevant port forwarding to ensure it is accessible from the Internet.

To setup the bookmarklet:

Usage Instructions

  1. Surf to your favorite torrent site.
  2. Click on the bookmarklet.
  3. The page will be modified to add a 'new window' icon next to any possible Torrent files or Magnet links.
  4. Click the 'download' link of the Torrent that you want.
  5. Enjoy the show.

Known Issues

FAQ Answers

Special Thanks to

jordan, @saltedlolly, @netj, @lidow
