A SSL/TLS Certificate tracking & auditing tool designed to help with the day to day tracking of publicly deployed Certificates from a single source providing simple health and status rollup.
TODO: Describe the problem(s) this project solves. TODO: Describe how this software can improve the lives of its audience.
TODO: Technology stack: Indicate the technological nature of the software, including primary programming language(s) and whether the software is intended as standalone or as a module in a framework or other ecosystem.
In Initial Development State: The project is currently in its initial stages in developing the main framework and creating an initial PoC which can be tracked via milestone v0.1
TODO: Detailed instructions on how to install, configure, and get the project running.
TODO: If the software is configurable, describe it in detail, either here or in other documentation to which you link.
If you have questions, concerns, bug reports, etc, please file an issue in this repository's Issue Tracker.
At this moment, the project is probably not in a state where there are obviouse places for anyone to get involved until the PoC has been completed.
The only key area which we know will need some focus will be on UX & theming as this will be limited by standard OOTB Bootstrap due to the current teams limitations in these areas.
The creation of this project was inspired by https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma but with a focus on SSL/TLS Certificates instead of availability/uptime.