A powerful 🚀 Android/iOS chart view / graph view library, binding support for Xamarin.Forms, supporting line- bar- pie- radar- bubble- and candlestick charts as well as scaling, dragging and animations.
I am able to Set ChartData from ViewModel (from SalaryData list from ViewModel).. which is showing the piechart data as expected but CenterText (SelectedCategoryTotalAmount variable in viewModel) but nothing is updated.
public string CenterTextDescription { get => _centerTextDescription; set { SetProperty(ref _centerTextDescription , value); } }
<custom:CustomPieChart BackgroundColor="Red" CenterText="{Binding SelectedCategoryTotalAmount}" x:Name="pieChart" RotateEnabled="False" HeightRequest="180" WidthRequest="180" ExtraTopOffset="0" ExtraBottomOffset="0" TransparentCircleRadiusPercent="0" HighLightPerTapEnabled="False" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand"
I am able to Set ChartData from ViewModel (from SalaryData list from ViewModel).. which is showing the piechart data as expected but CenterText (SelectedCategoryTotalAmount variable in viewModel) but nothing is updated.
public string CenterTextDescription { get => _centerTextDescription; set { SetProperty(ref _centerTextDescription , value); } }
I am using prism framework