bulubuloa / Ultimate-Xamarin-Forms-KIT

A powerful 🚀 Android/iOS chart view / graph view library, binding support for Xamarin.Forms, supporting line- bar- pie- radar- bubble- and candlestick charts as well as scaling, dragging and animations.
121 stars 33 forks source link

MPAndroidChart/iOSChart for Xamarin Forms Custom Renderer

A powerful 🚀 Android/iOS chart view / graph view library, binding support for Xamarin.Forms, supporting line- bar- pie- radar- bubble- and candlestick charts as well as scaling, dragging and animations.

Available on NuGet:

Build status NuGet Badge

MPAndroidChart Binding

Add assembly references xmlns:ultimateChart="clr-namespace:UltimateXF.Widget.Charts;assembly=UltimateXF" Setup for iOS project (add to AppDelegate before LoadApplication) UltimateXFSettup.Initialize(); Setup for Android project (add to MainActivity before LoadApplication) UltimateXFSettup.Initialize(this); **Required:** - ***[Xamarin.Forms](>=*** - ***Your app could not run on simulator(iOS)*** - ***Install Xamarin.Swift package for iOS project(maybe if your app can't start)*** [Xamarin.Swift] (>= 1.0.7) - ***You can downgrade swift support version for you project or your device (just download this project source and downgrade version of library for each project)*** #### LineChart & BarChart DataBinding var entries = new List(); var entries2 = new List(); var labels = new List(); var random = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { entries.Add(new EntryChart(i, random.Next(1000,50000))); entries2.Add(new EntryChart(i, random.Next(1000,50000))); labels.Add("Entry" + i); } var FontFamily = ""; switch (Device.RuntimePlatform) { case Device.iOS: FontFamily = "Pacifico-Regular"; break; case Device.Android: FontFamily = "Fonts/Pacifico-Regular.ttf"; break; default: break; } var dataSet4 = new LineDataSetXF(entries, "Line DataSet 1") { CircleRadius = 10, CircleHoleRadius = 4f, CircleColors = new List(){ Color.Accent, Color.Red, Color.Bisque, Color.Gray, Color.Green, Color.Chocolate, Color.Black }, CircleHoleColor = Color.Green, ValueColors = new List(){ Color.Accent, Color.Red, Color.Bisque, Color.Gray, Color.Green, Color.Chocolate, Color.Black }, Mode = LineDataSetMode.CUBIC_BEZIER, ValueFormatter = new CustomDataSetValueFormatter(), ValueFontFamily = FontFamily }; var dataSet5 = new LineDataSetXF(entries2, "Line DataSet 2") { Colors = new List{ Color.Green }, CircleHoleColor = Color.Blue, CircleColors = new List{ Color.Blue }, CircleRadius = 3, DrawValues = false, }; var data4 = new LineChartData(new List() { dataSet4,dataSet5 }); chart.ChartData = data4; chart.DescriptionChart.Text = "Test label chart description"; chart.AxisLeft.DrawGridLines = false; chart.AxisLeft.DrawAxisLine = true; chart.AxisLeft.Enabled = true; chart.AxisRight.DrawAxisLine = false; chart.AxisRight.DrawGridLines = false; chart.AxisRight.Enabled = false; chart.AxisRight.FontFamily = FontFamily; chart.AxisLeft.FontFamily = FontFamily; chart.XAxis.FontFamily = FontFamily; chart.XAxis.XAXISPosition = XAXISPosition.BOTTOM; chart.XAxis.DrawGridLines = false; chart.XAxis.AxisValueFormatter = new TextByIndexXAxisFormatter(labels); **Chart types:** *Screenshots are currently taken from the original repository, as they render exactly the same :-)* - **LineChart (with legend, simple design)** ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/PhilJay/MPChart/master/screenshots/simpledesign_linechart4.png) - **LineChart (with legend, simple design)** ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/PhilJay/MPChart/master/screenshots/simpledesign_linechart3.png) - **LineChart (cubic lines)** ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/PhilJay/MPChart/master/screenshots/cubiclinechart.png) - **LineChart (gradient fill)** ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/PhilJay/MPAndroidChart/master/screenshots/line_chart_gradient.png) - **Combined-Chart (bar- and linechart in this case)** ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/PhilJay/MPChart/master/screenshots/combined_chart.png) - **BarChart (with legend, simple design)** ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/PhilJay/MPChart/master/screenshots/simpledesign_barchart3.png) - **BarChart (grouped DataSets)** ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/PhilJay/MPChart/master/screenshots/groupedbarchart.png) - **Horizontal-BarChart** ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/PhilJay/MPChart/master/screenshots/horizontal_barchart.png) - **PieChart (with selection, ...)** ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/PhilJay/MPAndroidChart/master/screenshots/simpledesign_piechart1.png) - **ScatterChart** (with squares, triangles, circles, ... and more) ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/PhilJay/MPAndroidChart/master/screenshots/scatterchart.png) - **CandleStickChart** (for financial data) ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/PhilJay/MPAndroidChart/master/screenshots/candlestickchart.png) - **BubbleChart** (area covered by bubbles indicates the value) ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/PhilJay/MPAndroidChart/master/screenshots/bubblechart.png) - **RadarChart** (spider web chart) ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/PhilJay/MPAndroidChart/master/screenshots/radarchart.png) # License

You can use this library for any project, or custom, edit it if you want, no need license and permissions

Special thanks Daniel Cohen Gindi & Philipp Jahoda