bunkat / schedule

Automatically schedules tasks, work items, meetings, reservations, etc. Schedule takes into account working hours, holidays/days off, people's work schedule/vacation time, as well as task dependencies.
MIT License
427 stars 87 forks source link

This code is no longer being actively maintained. It should not be used in production. It may or may not work for your particular use case.

Schedule v0.6.2 Build Status

Schedule is a library for scheduling a set of tasks with complex dependencies that require a set of resources to complete. Takes advantage of Later schedules to provide incredible flexibility on when tasks are scheduled and when resources can be reserved.

Types of schedules supported by Schedule:

For complete documentation visit http://bunkat.github.io/schedule/.


Using npm:

$ npm install schedulejs

Using bower:

$ bower install later
$ bower install schedule


To build the minified javascript files for schedule, run npm install to install dependencies and then:

$ make build

Running tests

To run the tests for schedule, run npm install to install dependencies and then:

$ make test


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Bug tracker

Have a bug or a feature request? Please open a new issue.

Change Log

Schedule v0.6.0