Written in Python over the course of way too much time.
Here is a small video of me playing (poorly).
And here is my bosses son, Jesse, playing the arcade version. Sorry for the portrait mode.
More info on the pixel art is available over at my girlfriends website: MelanieHuang.com.
Yes, it's real. Ships with MAME, SNES and NES (1000+ games). Want something similar for the office? Email me.
Ensure that you have Python 2.x and Pygame installed, and then:
$ ./play
Accelleration and steering is performed via the arrow keys. [ENTER] to start, [ESC] to kill the game in fullscreen mode.
Many in-game settings can be changed in ./swervin_mervin/settings.py
but I'll also load in settings that are defined in ./swervin_mervin/settings_local.py
(which is gitignored).
"It's no Sonic the Hedgehog"
"You actually get points for killing people? I don't remember that bit in the originals..."
And even...
"I've taken dumps that were more fun than this steaming assheap..."