burkeazbill / ubuntu-22-04-packer-fusion-workstation

Packer Config and Build Script for Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish
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My goal with the set of files in my repo is to provide something simple to understand. When I started my path to learning and understanding this stuff, I was overwhelmed by some of the other repos (like the above mentioned packer-examples-for-vsphere) due to their more advanced and powerful configuration options. I hope this repo is found to be useful for others as well!


You must have the following installed/available in order to make use of this repository as-is:

How to use this repository

The quick way

If you wish, you can simply clone the repository and run the script provided to get a quick Server VM available.

Default username: vmadmin Default password: MyP@ssw0rd-22!

The right way

As with any software/OS containing credentials, you are highly encouraged to CHANGE settings to fit your preferences

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Edit the following values in the http/user-data file:
    • locale
    • layout
    • timezone
    • packages (optional)
  3. Edit Lines 2-11 in the build-daily.sh to fit your preferences
    • NOTE: The GUEST_ENCRYPTED_PW must be updated if you change the GUEST_PASSWORD value (instructions to generate that string value are provided in the script)
  4. Review the ubuntu-2204-daily.pkr.hcl file, lines 10-15 and update VM specs as desired (optional)
  5. Once you have reviewed and edited the files to your liking, run the build-daily.sh script

What does this script and Packer configuration do?

[Youtube Video walk-through]

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