A POMDP Service for AJAN
Create an environment in conda using the ajan_pomdp_py.yml file. Typically, done using the following command:
conda env create -f ajan_pomdp_py.yml
Install the requirements.txt file using pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
If installation of pomdp_py fails, install it using the 'install as a developer' as mentioned in https://h2r.github.io/pomdp-py/html/installation.html
The requirements use Cython and other OS specific packages like pygraphviz, which may require additional installation steps. pygraphviz tends to fail so search for a wheel file for your machine and install it before pomdp_py.
python.exe -m uvicorn main:app --reload
To start the application, run the main.py file using uvicorn since FastAPI is used.
by default.buvnswrn/ajan_pomdp_py is built on the following main stack:
Full tech stack here