SpatialTE requires the following tools to be installed:
Also, Python3.8 or higher should be available in your computer.
UPDATE 11/17/2021: For ease of installation of the dependencies, we recommend creating a Conda environment:
conda env create -f SpatialTE.yml
This will install the appropriate BEDTools, Samtools and R versions. Then, install the ST Pipeline with:
pip install stpipeline==1.7.9
Once downloaded, make sure to grant SpatialTE execution permissions
chmod u+x spatialte_v1.0/*
Afterwards, add the SpatialTE directory to your PATH:
export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/spatialte
If you have not run the ST Pipeline before, you need to generate an index with STAR (version 2.7.6 or higher recommended). For this, I strongly suggest to download the genome FASTA and its corresponding annotation files from UCSC(
Additionally, RepeatMasker files (*rm.out) can also be found at the UCSC webpage. A conversion utility between RepeatMasker out file and SpatialTE input TE annotation is also provided. It can be run like this: RepeatMaskerOutfile NameForNewTEFil
If you have your own RepeatMasker file and/or a file corresponding to Transposable Elements obtained from another tool, make sure to adapt it to the following format for SpatialTE:
sequenceName startPosition endPosition sequenceName|startPosition|endPosition|TE_Subfamily:TE_Family:TE_Class|strand score(optional) .
So, column 4, the ID, is a concatenation of the locus of the TE and its identifiers at the Subfamily, Family and Class level. The file should look like this:
chr1 3000001 3002128 chr1|3000001|3002128|L1_Mus3:L1:LINE|- 12955 -
chr1 3003153 3003994 chr1|3003153|3003994|L1Md_F:L1:LINE|- 1216 -
chr1 3003994 3004054 chr1|3003994|3004054|L1_Mus3:L1:LINE|- 234 -
chr1 3004041 3004206 chr1|3004041|3004206|L1_Rod:L1:LINE|+ 3685 +
Finally, you need to setup the configuration file (the following sample configuration file is also provided):
#All paths can be absolute or relative
#Path to barcode file
#Path to STAR index with v2.7.6
#Path to Gene annotation in GTF Format
#Path to TE annotation in BED Format, following the specifications of SpatialTE
#Path to Spatial Transcriptomics paired-end FASTQ files
#Threads to use in STAR and in Samtools
#Basename for output directories (no whitespaces)
Once everything is set up, you can run the SpatialTE script with the configuration file: