bvssvni / ld31

My entry for Ludum Dare 31
MIT License
9 stars 0 forks source link

Ludum Dare 31: Sea Birds' Breakfast

My entry for Ludum Dare 31

A sequel of Sea Snake Escape.

This game is about reaching land by swimming against the current while you are bleeding from the sea snake wounds. Watch out for those sea birds!



To compile you need to install Rust

Open up the Terminal window, navigate to the project folder and type:

cargo run


Edit streams (modify the game)

  1. Change EDIT in "src/" to true
  2. Drag & drop with mouse to insert new current streams
  3. Hit "S" on the keyboard to print current streams
  4. Modify "assets/stream.txt" (no comma behind last number)

Ship a binary

cargo build --features ship
  1. Copy the "/target/seabirdsbreakfast" into a new folder
  2. Copy the "assets" folder to the same folder
  3. Zip the folder