bwfbowen / muax

A project that provides help for using DeepMind's mctx on gym-style environments.
MIT License
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muax 😘

Muax provides help for using DeepMind's mctx on gym-style environments.


You can install the released version of muax through PyPI:

pip install muax

To use acme-jax framework, as it depends on jaxlib==0.4.3, which is an older version, you may have to first install it by:

pip install jaxlib==0.4.3 -f

Then install acme-jax:

pip install muax[acme-jax]

Getting started

Muax provides some functions around mctx's high-level policy muzero_policy. The usage of muax could be similar to using policies like DQN, PPO and etc. For instance, in a typical loop for interacting with the environment, the code is like(code snippet from muax/test):

random_seed = 0
key = jax.random.PRNGKey(random_seed)
obs, info = env.reset(seed=random_seed)
done = False
episode_reward = 0
for t in range(env.spec.max_episode_steps):
    key, subkey = jax.random.split(key)
    a = model.act(subkey, obs, 
                  temperature=0.) # Use deterministic actions during testing
    obs_next, r, done, truncated, info = env.step(a)
    episode_reward += r
    if done or truncated:
    obs = obs_next

Check cartpole.ipynb for a basic training example(The notebook should be runnable on colab).

  1. To train a MuZero model, the user needs to define the representation_fn, prediction_fn and dynamic_fn with haiku. muax/nn provides an example of defining an MLP with single hidden layer.
import jax 
jax.config.update('jax_platform_name', 'cpu')

import muax
from muax import nn 

support_size = 10 
embedding_size = 8
num_actions = 2
full_support_size = int(support_size * 2 + 1)

repr_fn = nn._init_representation_func(nn.Representation, embedding_size)
pred_fn = nn._init_prediction_func(nn.Prediction, num_actions, full_support_size)
dy_fn = nn._init_dynamic_func(nn.Dynamic, embedding_size, num_actions, full_support_size)
  1. muax has built-in episode tracer and replay buffuer to track and store trajectories from interacting with environments. The first parameter of muax.PNStep (10 in the following code) is the n for n-step bootstrapping.

    discount = 0.99
    tracer = muax.PNStep(10, discount, 0.5)
    buffer = muax.TrajectoryReplayBuffer(500)
  2. muax leverages optax to build optimizer to update weights

    gradient_transform = muax.model.optimizer(init_value=0.02, peak_value=0.02, end_value=0.002, warmup_steps=5000, transition_steps=5000)
  3. Now we are ready to call function to fit the model to the CartPole environment

    model = muax.MuZero(repr_fn, pred_fn, dy_fn, policy='muzero', discount=discount,
                    optimizer=gradient_transform, support_size=support_size)

model_path =, 'CartPole-v1', max_episodes=1000, max_training_steps=10000, tracer=tracer, buffer=buffer, k_steps=10, sample_per_trajectory=1, num_trajectory=32, tensorboard_dir='/content/tensorboard/cartpole', model_save_path='/content/models/cartpole', save_name='cartpole_model_params', random_seed=0, log_all_metrics=True)

The full training script:
import muax
from muax import nn 

support_size = 10 
embedding_size = 8
discount = 0.99
num_actions = 2
full_support_size = int(support_size * 2 + 1)

repr_fn = nn._init_representation_func(nn.Representation, embedding_size)
pred_fn = nn._init_prediction_func(nn.Prediction, num_actions, full_support_size)
dy_fn = nn._init_dynamic_func(nn.Dynamic, embedding_size, num_actions, full_support_size)

tracer = muax.PNStep(10, discount, 0.5)
buffer = muax.TrajectoryReplayBuffer(500)

gradient_transform = muax.model.optimizer(init_value=0.02, peak_value=0.02, end_value=0.002, warmup_steps=5000, transition_steps=5000)

model = muax.MuZero(repr_fn, pred_fn, dy_fn, policy='muzero', discount=discount,
                    optimizer=gradient_transform, support_size=support_size)

model_path =, 'CartPole-v1', 
  1. After the training is done, one can use tensorboard to check the training procedure
    %load_ext tensorboard 
    %tensorboard --logdir=tensorboard/cartpole

In the figure below, the model is able to solve the environment in ~500 episodes, ~30k updates

tensorboard example

  1. We can also have more tests with the best parameter
    from muax.test import test

model = muax.MuZero(repr_fn, pred_fn, dy_fn, policy='muzero', discount=discount, optimizer=gradient_transform, support_size=support_size)


env_id = 'CartPole-v1' test_env = gym.make(env_id, render_mode='rgb_array') test_key = jax.random.PRNGKey(0) test(model, test_env, test_key, num_simulations=50, num_test_episodes=100, random_seed=None)

Alternatively, the users could easily write their own training loop. One example is from [cartpole.ipynb](

More examples can be found under the [example]( directory.