bwl21 / wortsammler

an environment to manage comprehensive audience specific documentation and requirements tracing (based on pandoc)
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create html/pdf slides from markup file #34

Open dctbgcon opened 9 years ago

dctbgcon commented 9 years ago

[BWC_2] Compatible as long as you do not use slides

I suggest to add a slide section to the markup source file which can be processed by wortsammler: e.g. slide-notes


From all slide notes of the md document it should be possible to create a html/pdf slide show:

e.g. for html: pandoc -s --slide-level 2 -t slidy -o slide_outputfile.html

or for pdf with LaTeX beamer class:

pandoc -t beamer -V theme:Warsaw -o slide_outpub.pdf

To create a pdf slide show with beamer class maybe rake can do a good job:

rake pdf_slide name_of_theme or rake html_slide js_format

What do you think about this new function?

bwl21 commented 9 years ago

Hi, my thinking is as follows

1. Select slide Content

It is a brilliant idea to support the creation of Slides in Wortsammler. In order to control the contents, we could also use the Editions feature. This would allow to produce even different slidesets.

Thus a document source would look like

~~ED fullslide shortslide notes~~
## Introduction

* item 1
* item 2

~~ED fullslide notes~~

* item 3 appears only on fullside and notes

~~ED notes~~

Here we see the speaker notes, which are subject to be printed e.g. in a handnout

bla bla bla

Then the manifest can control the which parts shall be rendered in which edition.

2. output processing

I see two options:

  1. use pandoc's builtin output formats to generate the appropriate slides
  2. let pandoc prepare an input for slideshow ...
dctbgcon commented 9 years ago

Yes, the solution with editions (ED ) and manifest seems to be a brilliant solution.

The output processing should be flexible to generate slideshows in different formats (html, pdf, ...). Maybe in future a special format for prezi is also interesting (

Thanks for this project and your further contributions!

bwl21 commented 9 years ago

This might depend on the support for prezi. Note that there is an open source alternative based in impress.js (

bwl21 commented 9 years ago

I reopen this, since the slide output is still missing.

The big question is, how to specify the output

It would be hard to implement 5 more output formats for wortsammler ( Slidy, reveal.js, Slideous, S5, or DZSlides.)

I wonder if we should restrict ourselves to one of those formats.

We also shall decide how to deal with the pandoc options --self-contained and --standalone