bwl21 / wortsammler

an environment to manage comprehensive audience specific documentation and requirements tracing (based on pandoc)
MIT License
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Wortsammler (colloquial German for word collector) is an environment to maintain doucmentation in markdown and publish it in various formats for different audiences. It originated in some project specific hacks wrapping around pandoc. But now I refactored it since I use it in more than two projects now and think it might be beneficial for others as well.

Typical application of Wortsammler is user manuals, project documents, user manuals.

Particular features of wortsammler are

Basically Wortsammler comprises of

Wortsammler is built on top of other open source tools, in particular:

I did not invent new markdown syntax to implement the features mentioned aforehead. In other words, any wortsammler flavored markdown file should reasonably be processed in standalone pandoc. I implemented particular patterns which are boiled down to either vanilla pandoc markdown or to LaTeX / HTML.

The features are based on three appraoches:

  1. particular pattern in existing markdown
  2. embedded HTML/LaTeX
  3. specific syntax in strikethrouh sections (e.g. ED simple)


$ gem install wortsammler

In order to use Wortsammler, you need to install the prerequisites:

getting started

display the options

wortsammler -h

process markdown files

wortsammler -pi -o.  
   -- generates readme.pdf

wortsammler -pi -f pdf:docx:html -o. 
    -- generates readme.pdf, readme.html, readme.docx

wortsammler -bi
    -- beautifies (normalizes the markdown)

wortsammler -bi .
    -- recursively beautifies all markdown files in the current folder    

initialize a project

wortsammler init <folder>

This command generates the proposed directory structure, a first document manifest and a rake file to do the processing.

The rakefile is in <folder>/30_Sources/ZSUPP_Tools

generate document

rake -T           -- show all rake tasks
rake sample       -- format the sample document

known issues

future plans


  1. play with it
  2. give feedback to and/or create issues
  3. Fork it
  4. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  5. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  6. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  7. Create new Pull Request



thanks to

Installation of the required software


Please use Ruby 1.9.3
