byalextran / DnsMadeEasy

PHP wrapper for the Dns Made Easy API.
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Example Usage

Create an instance of the DnsMadeEasy class

// log into your DNS Made Easy account to generate/obtain your API key and secret key.
// specify TRUE for the last parameter if you want to make test API calls.
$dme = new DnsMadeEasy('yourApiKey', 'yourSecretKey', TRUE);

Adding a domain

$result = $dme->domains->add('');

if ($errors = $result->errors()) {
else {
    // outputs the raw results

    // grab the JSON decoded results.
    // use TRUE to return an associative array, FALSE to return an object.
    $domain = $result->body(FALSE);

    // output the name servers associated with this domain.

Adding a DNS record

$record = array(
    'name' => '',
    'type' => 'A',
    'data' => '',
    'ttl' => 1800,

$result = $dme->records->add('', $record);

if ($errors = $result->errors()) {
else {
    // grab the JSON decoded results.
    // use TRUE to return an associative array, FALSE to return an object.
    $record = $result->body(FALSE);

    // output the assigned record ID