byeokim / gmailpush

Gmail API push notification handler for Node.js
MIT License
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Gmailpush is Node.js library for handling Gmail API push notifications using Google APIs Node.js Client.

Note: Gmailpush is not affiliated with Gmail.



Gmail API

Google Cloud Pub/Sub



$ npm install gmailpush


$ yarn add gmailpush



const express = require('express');
const Gmailpush = require('gmailpush');

const app = express();

// Initialize with OAuth2 config and Pub/Sub topic
const gmailpush = new Gmailpush({
  clientId: '',
  clientSecret: 'hijklMNopqrstU12vxY345ZA',
  pubsubTopic: 'projects/PROJECT_NAME/topics/TOPIC_NAME'

const users = [
    email: '',
    token: {
      access_token: 'ABcdefGhiJKlmno-PQ',
      refresh_token: 'RstuVWxyzAbcDEfgh',
      scope: '',
      token_type: 'Bearer',
      expiry_date: 1543210123451
  // Use URL set as Pub/Sub Subscription endpoint
  // Parse JSON request payload
  (req, res) => {
    // Acknowledge Gmail push notification webhook

    // Get Email address contained in the push notification
    const email = gmailpush.getEmailAddress(req.body);

    // Get access token for the Email address
    const token = users.find((user) => === email).token;

        notification: req.body,
      .then((messages) => {
      .catch((err) => {

app.listen(3000, () => {
  console.log('Server listening on port 3000...');


    id: 'fedcba9876543210',
    threadId: 'fedcba9876543210',
    snippet: 'this is body',
    historyId: '987654321',
    historyType: 'labelAdded',
    internalDate: '1546300800000',
    date: 'Tue, 1 Jan 2019 00:00:00 +0000',
    from: { name: 'user', address: '' },
    to: [ { name: 'user1', address: '' } ],
    subject: 'this is subject',
    bodyText: 'this is body\r\n',
    bodyHtml: '<div dir="ltr">this is body</div>\r\n',
    attachments: [
        mimeType: 'image/jpeg',
        filename: 'example.jpg',
        attachmentId: 'abcdef0123456789',
        size: 2,
        data: <Buffer ff ff ff ff>
    payload: {
      partId: '',
      mimeType: 'multipart/alternative',
      filename: '',
      headers: [Array],
      body: [Object],
      parts: [Array]
    sizeEstimate: 4321


new Gmailpush(options)


const Gmailpush = require('gmailpush');

const gmailpush = new Gmailpush({
  pubsubTopic: 'GMAIL_PUBSUB_TOPIC',
  prevHistoryIdFilePath: 'gmailpush_history.json'

options object

clientId (required) string

Gmail API OAuth2 client ID. Follow this instruction to create.

clientSecret (required) string

Gmail API OAuth2 client secret. Follow this instruction to create.

pubsubTopic (required) string

Google Cloud Pub/Sub API's topic. Value should be provided as 'projects/PROJECT_NAME/topics/TOPIC_NAME'. Used to call watch(). Follow this instruction to create.

prevHistoryIdFilePath string

File path for storing emailAddress, prevHistoryId and watchExpiration.

Methods like getMessages(), getMessagesWithoutAttachment() and getNewMessage will automatically create a file using prevHistoryIdFilePath if the file doesn't exist.

Default is 'gmailpush_history.json' and its content would be like:

    "emailAddress": "",
    "prevHistoryId": 9876543210,
    "watchExpiration": 1576543210
    "emailAddress": "",
    "prevHistoryId": 1234567890,
    "watchExpiration": 1576543211



Gets Gmail messages which have caused change to history since prevHistoryId which is the historyId as of the previous push notification and is stored in prevHistoryIdFilePath.

Messages can be filtered by options. For example, messages in the following usage will be an array of messages that have INBOX label in their labelIds and have added IMPORTANT label to their labelIds.

The first call of this method for a user will result in an empty array as returned value and store prevHistoryId in gmailpush_history.json. (also create the file if not exists)

When a Gmail user is composing a new message, every change the user has made to the draft (even typing a single character) causes two push notifications, i.e. messageDeleted type for deletion of the last draft and messageAdded type for addition of current draft.


const messages = await gmailpush.getMessages({
  notification: req.body,
  historyTypes: ['labelAdded'],
  addedLabelIds: ['IMPORTANT'],
  withLabelIds: ['INBOX']

options object

notification (required) object

An object which is JSON-parsed from Gmail API's push notification message. Push notification messages should be JSON-parsed using JSON.parse() or middleware like express.json() or body-parser before passed to notification.

Below is an example notification object:

  message: {
    // This is the actual notification data, as base64url-encoded JSON.
    data: 'eyJlbWFpbEFkZHJlc3MiOiJ1c2VyMUBnbWFpbC5jb20iLCJoaXN0b3J5SWQiOiI5ODc2NTQzMjEwIn0=',
    // This is a Cloud Pub/Sub message id, unrelated to Gmail messages.
    message_id: '1234567890',
  subscription: 'projects/PROJECT_NAME/subscriptions/SUBSCRIPTION_NAME'

And JSON.parse(Buffer.from(, 'base64').toString()) would result in the following object:

  emailAddress: '',
  historyId: '9876543210'
token (required) object

Gmail API OAuth2 access token for user's Gmail data which has the following form:

  access_token: 'USER1_ACCESS_TOKEN',
  refresh_token: 'USER1_REFRESH_TOKEN',
  scope: 'USER1_SCOPE',
  token_type: 'USER1_TOKEN_TYPE',
  expiry_date: 'USER1_EXPIRY_DATE'
historyTypes string[]

Specifies which types of change to history this method should consider. There are four types of change.

Elements in historyTypes will be OR-ed. Default is ['messageAdded', 'messageDeleted', 'labelAdded', 'labelRemoved'].

addedLabelIds string[]

Used with labelAdded history type to specify which added label ids to monitor. Elements will be OR-ed. If not provided, Gmailpush won't filter by addedLabelIds. User-generated labels have label ids which don't match their label names. To get label id for user-generated label, use getLabels().

removedLabelIds string[]

Used with labelRemoved history type to specify which removed label ids to monitor. Elements will be OR-ed. If not provided, Gmailpush won't filter by removedLabelIds. User-generated labels have label ids which don't match their label names. To get label id for user-generated label, use getLabels().

withLabelIds string[]

Specifies which label ids should be included in labelIds of messages this method returns. Elements will be OR-ed. If not provided, Gmailpush won't filter by withLabelIds. withLabelIds would filter out any messages with messageDeleted type of history because they don't have labelIds. User-generated labels have label ids which don't match their label names. To get label id for user-generated label, use getLabels(). withLabelIds and withoutLabelIds cannot contain the same label id.

withoutLabelIds string[]

Specifies which label ids should not be included in labelIds of messages this method returns. Elements will be OR-ed. If not provided, Gmailpush won't filter by withoutLabelIds. withoutLabelIds would not filter out messages with messageDeleted type of history because they don't have labelIds to be filtered. User-generated labels have label ids which don't match their label names. To get label id for user-generated label, use getLabels(). withLabelIds and withoutLabelIds cannot contain the same label id.

Return object[]

An array of message objects. If there is no message objects that satisfy criteria set by options, an empty array will be returned.

Gmail API sends push notifications for many reasons of which some are not related to the four history types, i.e. messageAdded, messageDeleted, labelAdded and labelRemoved. In those cases this method will return an empty array.

If prevHistoryId for a user doesn't exist in gmailpush_history.json, calling this method for the user will result in an empty array.

If the messages have attachments, data of the attachments is automatically fetched and appended as Buffer instance. Alternatively you can use getMessagesWithoutAttachment() which returns messages without attachment data.

For messages that would have been deleted before requested, return value for those messages would have no material properties and look like this:

  id: 'fedcba9876543210',
  historyType: 'messageDeleted',
  notFound: true, // Indicates that Gmail API has returned "Not Found" or "Requested entity was not found." error
  attachments: [] // Exists only for internal purpose

In message object, from, to, cc, bcc, subject, date, bodyText and bodyHtml are present only when original message has them.

If parsing originator/destination headers like From, To, Cc and Bcc has failed, raw values will be assigned to from, to, cc and bcc, respectively. For example, value of To header in the message.payload.headers seems to be truncated if it has more than a certain number (about 9,868) of characters. In that case, the last one in the list of recipient Email addresses might look like the following and not be parsed:

// message.payload.headers:
    name: 'To',
    value: ' <>, user2@'

    name: '',
    address: ''
    name: 'user2@',
    address: 'user2@'

From header can have multiple Email addresses theoretically. But Gmailpush assumes that From header has a single Email address.


Same as getMessages() except that elements of attachments don't have data.


const messages = await gmailpush.getMessagesWithoutAttachment({
  notification: req.body,
  historyTypes: ['messageAdded']

Options object

Same as those of getMessages().

Return object[]

Same as that of getMessages() except that elements of attachments don't have data.

Example attachments in return
    mimeType: 'image/jpeg',
    filename: 'example.jpg',
    attachmentId: 'abcdef0123456789',
    size: 2

getAttachment(message, attachment)

Gets attachment data as Node.js Buffer. getMessages() is actually wrapper of getMessagesWithoutAttachment() and getAttachment().

message object

Message object returned by getMessagesWithoutAttachment(), of which id will be used to call gmail.users.messages.attachments.get().

attachment object

Attachment object in the above message object, of which attachmentId will be used to call gmail.users.messages.attachments.get().

Return Buffer

Buffer instance of attachment data.


Gets only a new Email received at inbox. This method is implementation of getMessages() with the following options:

  historyTypes: ['messageAdded'],
  withLabelIds: ['INBOX'],
  withoutLabelIds: ['SENT']


const message = await gmailpush.getNewMessage({
  notification: req.body,

options object

notification (required) object

Same as that of getMessages().

token (required) object

Same as that of getMessages().

Return object | null

Message object which is the first element of array returned by getMessages(). Gmailpush assumes that the array is either one-element or empty array. If there is no message object that satisfies criteria set by options, null will be returned.


Gets Email address from a push notification.


const email = gmailpush.getEmailAddress(req.body);

notification (required) object

Same as that of getMessages().

Return string

Email address.

Example return

getLabels(notification, token)

Gets a list of labels which can be used to find label ids for user-generated labels because user-generated labels' id is not same as their name.


const labels = await gmailpush.getLabels(req.body, token);

notification (required) object

Same as that of getMessages().

token (required) object

Same as that of getMessages().

Return object[]

Array of label objects.

Example return
    id: 'INBOX',
    name: 'INBOX',
    messageListVisibility: 'hide',
    labelListVisibility: 'labelShow',
    type: 'system'
    id: 'Label_1',
    name: 'Invoice',
    messageListVisibility: 'show',
    labelListVisibility: 'labelShow',
    type: 'user',
    color: { textColor: '#222222', backgroundColor: '#eeeeee' }
