bytedance / dplm

Official Implemetation of DPLM (ICML'24) - Diffusion Language Models Are Versatile Protein Learners
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Official Implemetation of DPLM (ICML'24) - Diffusion Language Models Are Versatile Protein Learners

PyTorch Lightning Config: Hydra Template

The repository is an official implementation of ICML24 paper Diffusion Language Models Are Versatile Protein Learners, which introduces diffusion protein language model (DPLM), a versatile protein language model that demonstrates strong generative and predictive capabilities for protein sequences. Specifically, DPLM exhibits impressive performance in protein sequence generation, motif scaffolding, inverse folding, and representation learning.

We develop DPLM based on the ByProt. This repository contains pretraining scripts of DPLM, and running scripts of various protein generation and understanding tasks as below:

If you have any questions, please feel free to raise an issue or contact us at Thank you!




# clone project
git clone --recursive https://url/to/this/repo/dplm.git

# create conda virtual environment

conda create -n ${env_name} python=3.9 pip
conda activate ${env_name}

# automatically install everything else



Download the preprocessed UniRef50 dataset

We pretrain DPLM on the UniRef50 dataset, which contains about 42 million protein sequences. We obtain the preprocessed UniRef50 dataset provided by EvoDiff (Alamdari et al, 2023).

bash scripts/


We train DPLM with approximate 1 million tokens per batch and 100,000 training steps. The training script is as follows:

export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7

# this means the effective batch size is GPU_number(8) * max_tokens(8192) * accumulate_grad_batcher(16), resulting in approximately 1 million.


python \
    experiment=${exp} name=${model_name} \
    datamodule.max_tokens=${max_tokens} \

You can adjust the other training configurations in the configs/experiment/lm/dplm_650m.yaml as needed.

Model checkpoints

Access pretrained models in varying sizes:

Model name Model size
dplm_150m 150M parameters
dplm_650m 650M parameters
dplm_3b 3B parameters

Users can load DPLM checkpoint by:

from byprot.models.lm.dplm import DiffusionProteinLanguageModel

model_name = "airkingbd/dplm_650m"
dplm = DiffusionProteinLanguageModel.from_pretrained(model_name)

Unconditional protein sequence generation

The results of unconditional protein sequence generation of DPLM of different scales (150M, 650M, 3B) are shown in the table below. For more details, please refer to our paper.

Length 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
150M 73.31 84.30 84.82 86.90 81.71 81.53 81.56 80.92 78.71 72.10
650M 74.00 (+0.69) 85.61 (+1.31) 85.91 (+1.09) 88.16 (+1.26) 82.58 (+0.87) 84.38 (+2.85) 83.87 (+2.31) 83.00 (+2.08) 84.92 (+6.21) 81.51 (+9.41)
3B 77.78 (+4.47) 86.16 (+1.86) 87.39 (+2.57) 90.06 (+3.16) 87.43 (+5.72) 86.01 (+4.48) 84.64 (+3.08) 85.88 (+4.96) 85.93 (+7.22) 83.86 (+11.76)

To generate new protein sequences using a pre-trained DPLM model:

model_name=dplm_650m # choose from dplm_150m, dplm_650m, dplm_3b

mkdir -p generation-results

python --model_name ${model_name} \
    --seq_lens 100 200 300 400 500 \
    --saveto ${output_dir}

# Evaluation
bash anylasis/ ${output_dir} # compute pLDDT using ESMFold

We also provide evaluation scripts in the analysis folder. Users can use the analysis/uncond_analysis.ipynb to obtain average pLDDT score of each length and draw the line chart of the pLDDT score.

Sequence-conditioned generation: motif scaffolding

We examine 17 motif-scaffolding problems, and for each problem, we sample 100 sequences and then calculate the success rate according to the motif-RMSD < 1$\AA$ and pLDDT > 70. Success rate of each problem is shown below.

Motif case 1bcf 1prw 1qjg 1ycr 2kl8 3ixt 4jhw 4zyp 5ius 5tpn 5trv 5wn9 5yui 6e6r 6exz 6vw1 7mrx
Success rate 1 0.95 0 0.54 0.11 0.17 0 0.02 0.03 0 0 0.01 0.43 0.86 0.01 0 0.25

We provide the following script to sample sequences for each motif-scaffolding problem. Note that before generation, you should download all the motif pdb files which are provided by EvoDiff, and place them in the data-bin/scaffolding-pdbs folder.



mkdir -p generation-results

# Generate scaffold 
python \
    --model_name airkingbd/${model_name} \
    --num_seqs 100 \
    --saveto $output_dir

# Predict structure by ESMFold

# folding
mkdir -p $pdb_path

echo 'folding by ESMFold'
output_filename_list=$(ls ${output_dir}/scaffold_fasta)
echo $output_filename_list

python analysis/ -i ${output_dir}/scaffold_fasta -o ${pdb_path} --max-tokens-per-batch ${max_tokens}

For evaluation, users can use the analysis/motif_analysis.ipynb to obtain success rate of each problem.

Structure-conditioned generation: inverse folding

The partial results on the CATH 4.3 dataset are shown in the table below. For more details, please refer to our paper.

Models Trainable Params. AAR scTM pLDDT
LM-Design 6.3M/650M 56.49 0.85 74.89
DPLM-150M 3.1M/150M 53.27 0.85 75.31
DPLM-650M 6.3M/650M 56.61 0.86 76.78
DPLM-3B 68.2M/3.0B 58.64 0.86 76.95


Download the preproceesd CATH datasets

bash scripts/


We train structure-conditional DPLM based on the LM-Design framework, designating the pre-trained protein language model as DPLM. The training script is as below.


python \
    experiment=${exp} datamodule=${dataset} name=${name} \
    logger=tensorboard trainer=ddp_fp16 

Evaluation on valid/test datasets

Users can set the eval_sc to true to calculate the self-consistency TMscore and pLDDT, which will result in a significant evaluation time overhead.

# if set ${eval_sc} to true, the program will calculate the self-consistency 
# TMscore and pLDDT during generation, 
# thus siginificantly increase the evaluation time.

python \                                                                 
    experiment_path=${exp_path} \
    data_split=test ckpt_path=best.ckpt mode=predict \
    task.generator.max_iter=100 task.generator.eval_sc=${eval_sc}

Representation Learning

DPLM excels in various protein prediction tasks, demonstrating its versatility and effectiveness. The following table summarizes its performance:

Models Thermostability HumanPPI Metal Ion Binding EC GO-MF GO-BP GO-CC DeepLoc-Subcellular DeepLoc-Binary
ESM2-650M 0.691 84.78 71.88 0.866 0.676 0.344 0.402 83.68 92.28
AR-LM 0.638 68.48 61.66 0.691 0.566 0.258 0.287 68.53 88.31
DPLM(150M) 0.687 80.98 72.17 0.822 0.662 0.328 0.379 82.41 92.63
DPLM(650M) 0.695 86.41 75.15 0.875 0.680 0.357 0.409 84.56 93.09
DPLM(3B) 0.704 90.00 75.94 0.883 0.687 0.369 0.463 85.32 93.93

The training and evaluation pipeline is based on the Saprot repository, and we slightly modify the code to support DPLM. Users can select the "representationlearning" branch for the evaluation of protein predictive tasks.


DPLM extends its gratitude to the following projects and individuals.

We draw inspiration and leverages/modifies implementations from:

We express our sincere appreciation to the authors of these repositories for their invaluable contributions to the development of DPLM.


  title={Diffusion Language Models Are Versatile Protein Learners},
  author={Wang, Xinyou and Zheng, Zaixiang and Ye, Fei and Xue, Dongyu and Huang, Shujian and Gu, Quanquan},
  booktitle={International Conference on Machine Learning},