bytesparadise / libasciidoc

A Golang library for processing Asciidoc files.
Apache License 2.0
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asciidoc golang library text-processing

= Libasciidoc

image:["GoDoc", link=""] image:["Go Report Card", link=""] image:["GitHub Action Build Status", link=""] image:["Codecov", link=""] image:["License", link=""]

Libasciidoc is an open source Go library to convert from Asciidoc to HTML.

== Supported syntax

Although it does not support the full Asciidoc/Asciidoctor syntax, Libasciidoc already provides users with the following features:

See also the link:LIMITATIONS.adoc[known limitations] page for differences between Asciidoc/Asciidoctor and Libasciidoc.

Further elements will be supported in the future. Feel free to open issues[here] to help prioritizing the upcoming work.

=== Syntax Highlighting

When enabled, syntax highlighting in [source] blocks is backed by the[Chroma libray]. The defaut class prefix is tok-, and it can be overridden at the document level using the chroma-class-prefix attribute, or from the command line interface:


:chroma-class-prefix: myprefix- <1> :chroma-class-prefix: <2>

<1> classes with a custom prefix <2> classes without any prefix ``` $ libasciidoc -o - -a chroma-class-prefix=myprefix- mydoc.adoc ``` You can also use the `chroma` CLI (see[the release page to download the binary]) to generate your CSS with the default prefix or the one of your choice: ``` $ chroma -s lovelace --html --html-prefix=tok- --html-styles ``` == Output Formats (backend) Using `-b` (or `--backend`) the following formats are supported: * `html5` (also `html`), this is the default * `xhtml5` (also `xhtml`) == Installation To build libasciidoc and make it available on the command line, do this: $ git clone $ cd libasciidoc $ make install If `$GOPATH/bin` is already in `$PATH`, then you should be good. Otherwise, for Linux and macOS users, you can run the following command: $ sudo ln -s "$PWD/bin/libasciidoc" /usr/local/bin/libasciidoc == Usage === Command Line The libasciidoc library includes a minimalist command line interface to generate the HTML content from a given file: ``` $ libasciidoc -s content.adoc ``` use `libasciidoc --help` to check all available options. === Code integration Libasciidoc provides 2 functions to convert an Asciidoc content into HTML: 1. Converting an `io.Reader` into an HTML document: Convert(r io.Reader, output io.Writer, config *configuration.Configuration) (types.Metadata, error) 2. Converting a file (given its name) into an HTML document: ConvertFile(output io.Writer, config *configuration.Configuration) (types.Metadata, error) where the returned `types.Metadata` object contains the document's title which is not part of the generated HTML `` part, as well as the table of contents (even if not rendered) and other attributes of the document. All options/settings are passed via the `config` parameter. === Macro definition The user can define a macro by calling `renderer.WithMacroTemplate()` and passing return value to conversion functions. `renderer.WithMacroTemplate()` defines a macro by the given name and associates the given template. The template is an implementation of `renderer.MacroTemplate` interface (ex. `text.Template`) Libasciidoc calls `Execute()` method and passes `types.UserMacro` object to template when rendering. An example the following: ``` var tmplStr = `Example: {{.Value}}{{.Attributes.GetAsString "suffix"}}` var t = template.New("example") var tmpl = template.Must(t.Parse(tmplStr)) output := &strings.Builder{} content := strings.NewReader(`example::hello world[suffix=!!!!!]`) libasciidoc.Convert(content, output, renderer.WithMacroTemplate(tmpl.Name(), tmpl)) ``` == How to contribute Please refer to the link:CONTRIBUTE.adoc[Contribute] page. == License Libasciidoc is available under the terms of the[Apache License 2.0]. == Trademark AsciiDoc is a trademark of the Eclipse Foundation