byuccl / digital_design_colab

Digital Design Colab Examples
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Digital Design Colab Notebooks

This repository contains Google Colab pages for learning about and developing digital circuits. There are 3 types of notebooks.

Explanations about each type of Notebook can be found on the wiki.

Getting Started

If you're new to this repository and are looking for a place to start, this notebook explains what you need to know about Google Colabs in order to follow along with the rest of the notebooks. We recommend opening it in a new tab.

Notebook List

The notebooks are organized into 5 notebook sets.

Dataflow System Verilog
|Category| Notebook| Link| Description |---|---|---|---| |Lesson|Boolean Algebra| [![colab](](|Introduction to the boolean operators AND, OR, and NOT. Creating equations with these operators and performing analysis with truth tables.| |Lesson|Logic Gates| [![colab](](|Implementing boolean logic using logic gates. Introduction to XOR operator. Analyzing circuit diagrams composed of logic gates.| |Lab|Logic Gates|[![colab](](|This lab teaches how to use Gate Level logic (and, or, not) and how the Waveforms work. It doesn't require a board.| |Lesson|Karnaugh Maps| [![colab](](|Introduction to Karnough maps. Using Karnough maps to analyze boolean expressions.| |Lesson|LUTs And Mux| [![colab](](|Introduction to Look Up Tables and Multiplexers. How these building blocks are used in circuit design.| |Lesson|Assign Operators| [![colab](](|Introduction to system verilog. How to code simple logic using assign statments.| |Lesson|Always_comb Blocks| [![colab](](|Introduction to always_comb blocks in system verilog. How to use always comb blocks to implement complex logic in system verilog.| |Lab|Dataflow System Verilog|[![colab](](|The user implements Dataflow system verilog in 4 functions in a simple project.|
|Category| Notebook| Link| Description |---|---|---|---| |Lesson|Binary and Hexadecimal |[![colab](](|Indrocuction to hinary and hexadeximal number systems. Conversions between decimal, binary, and hexadecimal.| |Lesson|Twos Complement |[![colab](](|Introduction to twos complement. Representing positive and negative integers with twos complement.| |Lesson|Addition and Subtraction|[![colab](](|Introduction to arithmetic operations on binary numbers. Adding and subtract on signed and unsigned binary numbers.| |Lab|Arithmetic|[![colab](](|User implements an adder using multiple modules.|
Seven Segment Display
|Category| Notebook| Link| Description |---|---|---|---| |Lesson|Seven Segment Display| [![colab](](|Explanation of how a seven segment display works and how to decode a binary input to make each number.| |Lab|Seven Segment Display|[![colab](](| User implements a Binary to Seven Segment Hex Display converter |
|Category| Notebook| Link| Description |---|---|---|---| |Lesson|Flip Flops|[![colab](](|Introduction to sequential logic. How flip flops are created from logic gates.| |Lesson|Registers|[![colab](](|How to create registers from flip flops. How to perfom analysis with timing diagrams| |Lesson|Sequential Logic |[![colab](](|Introduction to always_ff blocks. How to create registers and implement sequential logic in SystemVeilog.| |Lab|Stopwatch|[![colab](](| User implements a stopwatch using modules and hierarchical design. |
State Machines
|Category| Notebook| Link| Description |---|---|---|---| |Lesson|State Machines|[![colab](]( | User learns what state machines are and common errors when constructing them| |Lab|State Machines|[![colab](](|User learns how to design state machines and how to code them|


There are also several tutorial notebooks that help users learn more about the open source tools being used, how to use our notebooks, and other helpful background information.

|Category| Notebook| Link| Description |---|---|---|---| |Tutorial|Notebook Functionality|[![colab](](        |How to use Colab notebooks| |Tutorial| XDC |[![colab](](|Demonstrates how the XDC file works and how to use it for a personal project.| |Tutorial|Verilator Overview|[![colab](](| Shows what Verilator is, what it does, and how to troubleshoot the test benches. | |Tutorial|Verilog With VS Code|[![colab](](|Demonstrates a better way to write verilog and how to set up VS Code| |Tutorial|Bash File System|[![colab](](|How to view and navigate files in a notebook| |Tutorial|Simulation Tools|[![colab](](| Teaches more about WaveDrom and VCD.| |Tutorial|Creating a lesson|[![colab](](| Teaches more about how to create a lesson on your own.| |Tutorial|Creating a lab|[![colab](](| Teaches more about how to create a lab on your own.|