Open jacobdbrown4 opened 2 years ago
Do you know if the tool is creating a wrapper around the FDRE or is it indeed a leaf cell? Dr. Nelson thinks there is a wrapper. @nelsobe
ZINI appears all through Symbiflow. Symbiflow usually uses ZINI to refer to initialization. So, it might be wrapper for a flip flop that is initialized to a 1 or to a 0 or something like that. I would do some digging into that.
Also, one of the issues I have with Symbiflow is they rename lots of things which makes it hard to inter-operate with Vivado. For example - they name some BEL properties differently than Vivado names them... It sounds ike this is another case of that maybe?
In the netlist it shows up as a leaf cell.
It probably is another case of renaming something to possibly carry information.
In ~/opt/symbiflow/xc7/install/share/symbiflow/techmaps there are files with verilog modules. It looks like they are imported into yosys during synthesis. Here is one for FDRE:
module FDRE (output reg Q, input C, CE, D, R);
parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'b0;
wire CE_SIG;
wire SR_SIG;
CESR_MUX cesr_mux(
FDRE_ZINI shows up at the bottom.
A lot of things are renamed. For example: OBUF --> OBUFT_VPR IBUF --> IBUF_VPR INV --> T_INV
This page may be helpful to us: Technology mapping for VPR
Symbiflow renames some primitives during symbiflow_synth. For example, an FDRE is renamed to be FDRE_ZINI. This causes spydrnet's function to find voter insertion points to come up empty.
For now I've just been finding voter insertion points manually (with a few lines of code).