byuitechops / build-file-structure

Reorganizes the file structure of a course during conversion.
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Build File Structure

Package Name: build-file-structure

Child Type: post import

Platform: All

Required: Required

This child module is built to be used by the Brigham Young University - Idaho D2L to Canvas Conversion Tool. It utilizes the standard module.exports => (course, stepCallback) signature and uses the Conversion Tool's standard logging functions. You can view extended documentation here.


This child module goes through the files of the course during conversion. It then reorganizes the files into a new structure so every course has the same file structure. It will also remove unnecessary files and put them into a folder called archives.

How to Install

npm install git+

Run Requirements

It should be executed before the other post import child modules.


If there are options that need to be set before the module runs, include them in a table, like this:

Option Values Description
settings['Create three main folders'] true/false Determines whether the course has to create three main folders (it is where the child module should put images inside)
settings['Move files into three main folders'] true/false Determines whether the child module needs to move files into the three main folders
settings['Create Archive'] true/false Determines if there are unneeded files so it creates an Archive folder to move all of the unneeded files into.


If your module adds anything to or anywhere else on the course object, please include a description of each in a table:

Option Type Location
unusedFiles Array


Describe in steps how the module accomplishes its goals.

  1. It checks to see if the course.settings['Create three main folders'] is set to be true. If it is, it'll create the folders (documents, media and template).
  2. It will also check to see if 1 is completed and the course.settings['Move files into three main folders'] is set to be true. If it is, it'll go through the process and move all of the files into those three folders created by step 1.

Log Categories

List the categories used in logging data in your module.


These are the expectations for the child module. What does it need to do? What is the "customer" wanting from it?

This child module goes through the files of the course during conversion. It then reorganizes the files into a new structure so every course has the same file structure. It will also remove unnecessary files and put them into a folder called archives.