byuitechops / design-lti-ng

Angular version of the byui-design-lti app
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Repository Title


This is an implementation of the byui-design-lti in Angular. It is a tool that provides course designers quick and easy access to frequenly used html elements. Express and lti-middleware are used to handle lti requests.


Currently the features are being compiled in Google Docs

How to Install

To install dependencies, navigate to this repositoty in the console and type:

npm install --save repository-name

How to Run

To start the development server, type this in the console:

npm start

This will run the Angular serve command which will open a new window in your browser and run the app. To start the Express server for development in Canvas, type:

npm run build
npm restart

Navigate to the WYSIWYG course editor in Canvas and choose the drop down for more tools and click the Toolbox dev tool. The server will update automatically when you make changes to server files. If you want the app to reflect changes made to the UI, you have to rebuild the tool using npm run build.

Environment Variables

You will need to set the following env vars to run the app

Variable Windows Code Purpose
SESSION_SECRET set SESSION_SECRET= This key is used for session security

How to Set Up Localhost

Start Server

npm restart

Tell Chrome to Accept Our Certificate

Open the page below, click advanced, and click proceed anyway


Load the Dev Environment Variables in Your Console

Do this by running the commands above with the correct keys.

Example: set LTI_SECRET=asldkjalk

How to Set Up a Dev Instance of the LTI Tool in Canvas

  1. Open the Add LTI tool dialog box.
  2. Choose Paste XML from the top drop down box
  3. Name the tool
  4. Paste in the Key and Secret
  5. Paste the contents of the devSetup.xml file ignoring the comment lines.


See information about the Angular Cli for helpful production tips:


Lti parameters are sent to the app in the lti launch. There is a lti object sent with the launch that has information such as the return url, course information and who is using the tool.


The lti-service returns lti parameters from the endpoints in routes/index.js.

router.route('/api/course-name').get((req, res) => {
  var ltiParams = req.session.lti.params; // use this ltiParams object if you need any more info about the user
  var courseName = ltiParams.context_title;

The tool returns the selected html element to the WYSIWYG.



Execution Process


Start the Express server

This will do all of the heavy lifting required for the lti app.

Accept post request from LTI

Serve the UI for the app at the conclusion of the request.

Respond to selection by the designer

Prepare the content items object for the return post request to Canvas.

Return content via post

Use form submission (post) to return content to Canvas through the content items object



Make sure to include canvas-wrapper as a developer dependency when you need it:

npm i --save-dev byuitechops/canvas-wrapper

Here are instructions on how to set up the development server:


Unit Tests

Current Design

App Design Layout

Old Design

App Design Layout

UI Screenshots

App Design Layout

App Design Layout